iTunes Ripping - Strange Digital Artifacts

I've tried a few variations on archive searches and wasn't able to find an answer to this: In ripping some of my CD's into iTunes (either Apple Lossless or WAV) I've been getting some very odd, brief digital artifacts at the end of each songs on a CD. This sounds like two or three seconds of an audio tape on fast forward. It only seems to happen on new releases (I cannot think of any older CD's it's occurred on). I just got a copy of Mary Gauthier's new album (great CD by the way) and it happened on that one. I tried ripping it multiple times in Apple Lossless, and WAV (always in iTunes) and each and every time it created files where this strange artifact existed at the end of every song. I play the CD I ripped the files from and the artifact is not there. Is this some kind of anti-piracy technology...or do I simply have some setting off in my itunes preferences (Error-Correction is on, WAV or Apple Lossless is always set to Automatic, have experimented with importing to startup disk and external disk-same results). The artifacts seem to always sound the same too...they never vary, except that they sound different from song-to-song, but the same if say, the first cut is played over again.

Anyone have any clues what this might be?

No, I've never tried AIFF...only WAV and Lossless. I'll give that a try to see if the results are any different.

OK, I think I've isolated it to my laptop. I took the same Mary Gauthier CD and ripped it on my G5 tower. No artifacts. That was as a WAV file. So what's going on with my laptop (g4 1.42ghz iBook)? The settings are identical. Plenty of RAM. iTunes and system updates are all current. Hard drive has plenty of space to run. Perhaps a trip to the Genius Bar is in order! Order up another round of Mensa Ice Tea from the good folks at Apple. Any further input would be great - has anyone else experienced this?
Are you playing music or using other functions on the computer as your rip? I have had some problems if I was transferring files or playing files (especially if you are playing the CD as you rip it). I think that there may be a usb through put issue. If the folks at the Genius Bar have any thoughts/suggestions I'd love to hear...
Good thought, 4est. I don't think I was, but I'm pretty sure the USB connection was there and idle. Also, it would not be unlike me to do something else while it rips, but in this case, I've tried the same CD several times without doing anything else so it's definitely no that. In the case of the tower that ripped it successfully with no artifacts, there was definitely no output device connected, and nothing else processing while it was ripping. I will certainly post anything I learn here. Thanks for the input thus far.

You might check the settings on the Audio MIDI Setup on your ibook. You can find this in Applications/Utilities/Audio MIDI Setup. Since you got good results on your G5, if you see that the settings are different on the ibook, maybe you should conform them to the G5 and see if that helps. Of course, this changes the output settings, not how the file is ripped, but who knows...