Jadis Eurythmie - Anyone ever listen to them?

Has anyone ever had the chance to own or spend time listening to Jadis Eurythmie speakers? Any thoughts/opinions? All commentary appreciated. Thanks, Travis
You are welcome T_bone! Thoes Eurythmies looks great and from the review of it must sound great. I never realized that your thread was started way back in 2003!

Trelja, I hate to hi-jack T_bone's thread but nice to hear you are going back to Jadis integrated. I now have JOR, DPMC and JD3 CD player making great music! Thx for all your( and Rcprince's) help. I probably should update my thread.
I have a friend here in Italy who is looking to sell his Eurythmies at a fair price. They are perfect and he is a gentlemen too. Feel free to email me if you are interested in this pair of speakers. Best, luca.
This is my 1st post. I am great friends with the no longer Northstar Leading the Way folks who imported Jadis for years. I had worked for them in N.Y. during a Stereophile show at the Waldorf. The Eurythmies were set up with all top end Jadis gear;thousands of watts. I remember playing tracks 4 & 5 of Roger Water's The Pros and Cons of Hitchhiking. We almost got kicked out of the show. I own a pair of LaScala, which I modified and which I think are wonderful. I would love to own a pair of Eurythmies
Is there a sexier looking pair on the planet? I don't think so! They impress me as surrealistic butterflies---The very thing Alice would have taken to Wonderland with her (as long as they could've been squeezed through the looking glass). I still have Scull's review of them in S/Phile and it is what convinced me to ultimately go horns (albeit the more affordable Duos) when I was finally financially able to take the plunge. All I can say is that they represent the pinnacle of audio art. Sonics to die for combined with sculptural beauty don't happen along very often, price be damned. You have my admiration.
Atrahern, thanks for the kind words, though as much as I would love to be able to say that the combined sonics and beauty were such that I had to have them at any price, alas it would not be the case - I'm cheap. Though your comment brings up an interesting coincidence... I heard Avantgarde Duos and discovered what horns could be but dismissed them because of the price, and a year later, I found these for sale at a much lower price. I could say that it was the Duos that put me on to horns and I got these when I was "financially able to take the plunge."

Danaudio1, I can relate. Though I try to keep it down in the evening so that the neighbors cannot defend the practice of their daughter to play rap at 3am.

Arthur, I have not heard the DA88s. I simply don't get out much as of late to hear what is on offer. In the past, I have heard a DA-something but don't know recall which one, and the Jadis Orchestra, which I thought was great bang for buck. I have heard the 300Bs, the 845s, and some of the larger push-pull amps over the past few years and have been impressed with each though obviously they are far from interchangeable. I have the JP80 pre which I also bought used a few years ago. I love it to death - not the quietest pre-amp in the first place (though in the last few months it sounds like it some of the caps may be showing their age) but it seems to show up other "more transparent" pres on a regular basis... I do not know if I will go down the road of Jadis amplification. My gut says that bi-amplification (or more?) may get the best out of the speakers but am unsure as to how I would want to go about this.