Jadis with Telefunken 12AX7/ECC83 tubes

After hearing few recommendations of Jadis users I have tried Telefunken NOS 12AX7/ECC83 tubes in my Jadis equipment. I put three tubes in lins stage of JP80MC preamplifier and two tubes in JA80 monoblocks.
I have mixed impressions. These tubes gave very good top end extension and sparkle. The sound was more transparent and some new details appeared. Also the soundstage improved in 3D depth. But some magic of midrange has gone. The Telefunken tubes pushed this a little romantic tube sounding set more into very good solid state set. I am not sure if the overall effect is what I require. Jadis is for to die for midrange and installing the tubes like Telefunkens pushes this set into a little different presentation. I am not sure if I end with these tubes and I am curious other Jadis user experiences with signal tubes rolling.
It has been such a long time since experimenting with tubes other than Tele's in my Jadis JP80 that I have mostly forgotten the differences. I do recall prefering the openess, greater delineation, and tauter bottom end begot from the Tele's. I have sampled Mullards, Siemans, GE, Sylvania, amperex and a few others, but always came back to the Tele's. I must add that I have had the preamp heavily modified by Great Northern Sound, having increased the frequency extension, top and bottom. The Jadis does seem to have lost some of it's golden beauty, but the presentation, to me, just seems more like real music.
The Teles and Siemens are known for their transparency, and faithfulness to the original signal. If you desire to retain the clarity in the top end/spacious sound stage, etc., but want to add some warmth in the mids: Try some of the NOS Amperex/Bugle Boy or Philips/Miniwatt offerings(both from Holland): (http://www.tubeworld.com/12ax7.htm) Nothing new(especially from china) can compare sonically.
In my DA30 and DA30, the Teles were OK, but not my favorite. I didn't give them enough time to analyze things in 100% detail, frankly, because I didn't feel the desire to since the sound was not magical in the way some others were.

I much prefer 5751 variants, they seem to really be able to make a Jadis come alive.

For the record, about 15 of us got together at my home and had a 12AX7 tube shootout using the DA60. Interestingly enough, while a 5751 was the winner, the dirt cheap Shuguang Triple Mica 12AX7 made it into the final round of three. So, if money is an issue...
Well, I still prefer the Teles (I think they are the best overall performers through the entire frequency range), but my ears are different than yours. I agree with Rodman that Amperex Bugle Boy tubes would probably add some of the warmth you crave. I used them for the 6DJ8s in the phono stage of my preamp, liked them best of all tubes in that position, but unfortunately they eventually would become noisy in less than a year. My experiences with Mullards in my JP80 (not the JA80s, where I liked them) was not so good, but I have the feeling I might not have had the real thing, based on others' comments about them.
My experience mirrors that what Rodman and Rcprince have to say. In my Jadis days I stuck to the Teles and spent a fortune on finding the right Amperexes for my phono section. Cannot recall exactly if I finally settled for pinched waists until they also turned noisy.