JansZen Z A2.1 Loudspeakers?

Is anyone familiar with the JansZen A2.1? Any Opinions?
Hi Butler,

I wrote more detailed comments on Speaker Asylum, linked here by my alternate moniker M3 lover -


The longer I own them the more my musical enjoyment grows and the more I'm impressed with David Janszen's design. And not that they won't reward top quality component matching, but you don't need to spend top dollar on an amp. Just find reasonable quality.

I consider the zA2.1 to be a "cornerstone" product.
Hi, Seadogs1, like Pryso I also consider the zA2.1 a cornerstone product, and for me, likely my last speakers. I've evolved from a few traditional box cone designs to planar magnetics (Magnepan), to now these fine ESLs. Going to an ESL wasn't the question, but which one was. I quickly decided to move away from large dipole panels and that eliminated all ESLs except a very few. David's hybrid design is flawless in cohesive blending of the woofers and ESL panels. The smaller design fits perfectly in any room. Don't be fooled by the size however, as they can play big and don't change their character as the volume raises.

That last and almost unique aspect was correctly highlighted by Robert Greene in the January issue of the absolute sound. Robert has a very complete 5 page review of the speakers, but read through it fully because he starts out saying they are fussy to set up. That part is bull, and I've already sent a letter to the editor which will be printed in March.

If you are a serious buyer, do so before the end of the year. The price is going up. Amazing speakers.
Thanks for the additional input, Pryso. I actually read your Speaker Asylum comments a while ago when I started researching these speakers, and appreciate the additional comments here. Now trying to decide between the JansZen and the Magico S1, will come down to which is the best in terms of my definition of musicality, though both are pretty sweet.
I heard them at the Capital AudioFest. Hands down the best speaker there. I love my Vandersteen 5A's and don't see them going away but I'd love a pair of the JansZens too.