Japan Trip - Looking For Shopping MC Cartridge Recommendations

I lived in Japan from 1990-99 and went back there on business 1-2 times/year for several years after that, so I consider it my second home.  
My change in jobs has kept me away from Japan for about 6 years, but this summer I'll be going back for a couple of weeks.  I will be mainly in the Tokyo area, and would like recommendations from those who know where to find great deals on phono cartridges.  
I have read several threads on these forums about the much lower prices on carts in Japan, but I know that not all shops are cheaper than the U.S. pricing.  I'm looking for specific shops I can visit to find good deals.  
I'm very familiar with Tokyo and navigating its trains and subways, so if you're recommending shops I only need to know the shop name and which train station it's nearest to.  Akihabara used to have quite a few high end audio dealers but the last time I was there it seemed to be overrun with Cosplay and gaming shops.  I imagine there are still a few shops there, however.  
I'll be shopping for a new MC cartridge.  I currently have a Lyra Delos and will either move up the Lyra line or look at other excellent cartridges that sell in the U.S. for $4-$7K.  Emphasis will be on getting a much better price than U.S. pricing.  If the savings is not significant I'll just buy it here instead.
Thanks for any help you can give me.  My time will be a little shorter than I'd like on this visit so I need to make a focused plan.

Showing 2 responses by vortrex

The Technics units are about 35% cheaper in Japan. You will get a 100v 50hz model.

I had spoken with a dealer in Japan before who said the unit would be 100v and 50hz.  It would be worth verifying before purchasing. Googling now it says eastern Japan (Tokyo) is 50hz and western is 60hz.