JAY'S Audio CDT-3-MK2 or PS Audio DirectStream Memory Player

Looking for a CD transport. I will be playing redbook CDs only and would be using the SPDIF output to my DAC. 
I was thinking to get the JAY'S Audio transport, but now that PS Audio discounted their DirectStream Memory Player, I can't decide between the two. Has anyone compared those two?
@ jriggy

My CD2 MK2 replaced a PS Audio PWT and it was no comparison as the CD2 was much more refined in sound quality and sound staging/imaging and I find the CD2 as being neutral with no bloat or thickness.

I will be purchasing the upgraded board as it’s suppose to have even better detail retrieval and imaging...

@wig , thanks, great info for me and that that you switched from the same PWT. 

I decided to purchase a new MK3 for my main system and moved the MK2 to my secondary system as I was already searching for transport and the timing was perfect...

If you are on the fence on whether to upgrade your MK2 to the MK3; I can tell you without hesitation the difference is quite startling and this is just with 2 hours use and 400 hours are required to fully burn-in the unit.

So what are the differences between the two versions? Soundstage width/depth/layering drastically improved and images are locked in with pin-point precision. Resolution is also improved with delicate nuances and ambiance retrieval are easily discernable...

These upgrade are quite impressive but the musicality, the flow of the music has taken on an unbelievable and immersive listening experience and my speakers have totally disappeared! This upgrade has literally placed the performers in your listening space in a 3D perspective.

My older CDs still sounds good but the revised MK3 reveals the flaws in the recordings...

Can't wait to hear what it will sound like after complete burn-in.
