Responses from wig
Furutech 4.1 Series Cables - Outstanding Performance and Value @qbitstate You have a Long way to go before it start showing a glimpse of its potential at 300+ hours... If you have an IEC adapter, put it on your refrigerator for 3 weeks... Wig | |
Cayin D30 DAC outperforms Weiss, Playback, CH and MSB @v-fi Yes, implementation plays a big part in how a particular device will sound. Wig 👍 | |
Cayin D30 DAC outperforms Weiss, Playback, CH and MSB @sns Many thanks. Wig👌 | |
Cayin D30 DAC outperforms Weiss, Playback, CH and MSB No experience with a Sabre Chip Dac but curious if it’s a better sounding Dac compared to Denafrips, Musetec or even Laiv? I'm referring to Cayin CS-100 Dac... Wig | |
Cayin D30 DAC outperforms Weiss, Playback, CH and MSB @v-fi Thanks | |
Cayin D30 DAC outperforms Weiss, Playback, CH and MSB Looks impressive but possibly not voltage configured for the U S market... Wig | |
Cayin D30 DAC outperforms Weiss, Playback, CH and MSB Guys, Thanks! Maybe they'll design an entry level variant utilizing the same technology in the $4K+ range. Wig | |
Cayin D30 DAC outperforms Weiss, Playback, CH and MSB @eddiechanghk Any photos to share and have you heard anything on when this unit will updated on their website? Thanks, Wig | |
Six DAC Comparison @mitch2 You have done an Outstanding job with this Dac thread and So many have benefited from your Dac comparison. Wishing you a Happy and prosperous New Year! Wig👌 | |
Six DAC Comparison @zmann007 Thanks for the update and I'm still quite smitten with my Merason 😊 Wig 🎵🎶 | |
Anyone upgrade to the Merason Dac1 mkii? @davenrk I owned a Tube SW1X Dac III DHT for a few years and loved it but the Merason matched its sound quality and added more top end sparkle. The Laiv Harmony Dac was also quite good in my system but didn’t have the transparency or soundstage ... | |
LAIV Harmony @ jserp Your Laiv Harmony Dac will sound even better after 250 of burn-in... Wig | |
Furutech Flux50 NCF shoutout @antigrunge2 Clarity, pin point imaging and soundstaging are attributes of Furutech TCS 31 and their DPS line which I have a full loom of; nothing costing 3X has replaced it yet... Wig 🎶🎵 | |
Six DAC Comparison @mitch2 I'll check in regularly for updates and this is an "Outstanding" thread... Wig 👌 | |
Six DAC Comparison @mitch2 Thanks again for the time taken to accomplish such a comprehensive Dac comparison! I am also relieved that my Merason Dac MKII overall sound signature is similar to the excellent Mojo Audio Dac 😁 Wig |