Jay’s Audio CDT3-MK3 wins over Aurender W20SE

In search for digital perfection I’ve continuously upgraded my streamer to find Qobuz nirvana. The streamer’s only competition has been my Audiolab 6000CDT which clearly outperformed any Chord 2go/2yu and the Volumio Primo middle grade streamer. Only after buying the flagship Aurender W20SE did my streamer blow the CD transport out of the water, like burn every CD never going back. But studying hi end CD transports I decided on the Jay’s Audio CDT3-MK3 and it has been a revelation. It’s like I’ve never heard a cd before. It so outperforms the W20SE in detail clarity depth richness of tone it’s astonishing. IMHO CD with a hi-end CD transport is far far better than the absolute best streamer in the world. The W20SE is not going up for sale but will be getting much less use from now on.

I’d be interested in the community’s thoughts about CD vs Streaming.


@brandonhifi maybe a stupid question, but how are you getting a sacd ripped to the aurenders hdd ? 

This take me to the same place in the subject of analog vs digital streaming. People need to stop turning everything in to a competition. We right now have so many great ways to get music we know and discover new artist we never knew existed before. All sources should be looked at as complements instead of competitions. Enjoy the music any way you can get it.

@brandonhifi I too am of the opinion that stored AIFF/FLAC/WAV sound better then my streaming source (Innuous ZenithMK3 w Phoenix; stored vs streamed). I'd also lean towards a good CD transport doing the same set against streaming.


You can rip SACD’s. You need either a Play Station 3 or one of a few older Sony CD players and some Linux software. I’ve done it on the few SACD’s that I own and it sounds great.


I used a SACD ripping service. The guy that I used is no longer doing it though. You can probably find someone fairly close to you if you google it.