Frogman, some can, while some can not; some will while some wont; Frogman it's quite evident that you come way short when discussing how one "perceives" music, maybe that's because you're a professional musician, sometimes that's a hindrance on this forum.
Many times you go into one of your long diatribes, speaking technically music wise, and nobody knows what you're talking about but you, and any other professional musician that might be participating in the discussion; I know I don't have a clue as to what you're talking about.
Let us get back to when your trolley first jumped the tracks, that was about my post on Dave Brubeck that you misunderstood; you thought it was a putdown of Dave, when it was merely an observation of fact; Mr. Brubeck's music does not contain a "drap" of "Blacknuss".
Whether or not that's a good or bad thing depends on the listener. As I and others stated, we love Dave's music, although it lacks "Blacknuss"; kind of like coffee with or without creme. Someone declared that without "Blacknuss", it's not true jazz. Now, could you put your trolley back on it's tracks and address this post.