I checked out a couple of his videos. I like the guy too. Seems like a very nice guy with a calm and very measured way of explaining hi-fi basics (!). Perhaps a little TOO diplomatic with his “conclusions”, but does a nice job.
Well, “Lawdy, lawdy”, the cat is out of the bag. I believe you are a closet audiophile, Rok! A couple of takeaways from his “Hi-fi myths” video:
*** “Different cables do sound different” ***
*** “Every manufacturer of amps, turntables, etc., will tell you that changing internal cables and other parts will result in changes in the sound even if the changes can’t be measured. Moreover, it would be arrogant to assume that just because it can’t be measured there is no difference in sound” *** (slight paraphrase)
Yup, you are turning into an audiophile!
Reminds me of a comedian’s routine that I heard years ago re the way John Boehner (remember him?) chose to pronounce his name instead of the way that it should be pronounced: “Dude, just embrace it!“
Well, “Lawdy, lawdy”, the cat is out of the bag. I believe you are a closet audiophile, Rok! A couple of takeaways from his “Hi-fi myths” video:
*** “Different cables do sound different” ***
*** “Every manufacturer of amps, turntables, etc., will tell you that changing internal cables and other parts will result in changes in the sound even if the changes can’t be measured. Moreover, it would be arrogant to assume that just because it can’t be measured there is no difference in sound” *** (slight paraphrase)
Yup, you are turning into an audiophile!
Reminds me of a comedian’s routine that I heard years ago re the way John Boehner (remember him?) chose to pronounce his name instead of the way that it should be pronounced: “Dude, just embrace it!“