Today is the great (!) Hank Mobley’s birthday. To say that he was underrated is an understatement. I suppose it is to be expected when a tenor player lives in the shadow of Sonny Rollins and John Coltrane. Not exactly an innovator like Rollins and Coltrane, but always very distinctive and I love the beautiful logic of his story telling. Very prolific with twenty six (!) Blue Note records as a leader.
Someone here 😄 likes to proclaim “No blues, no Jazz”. Never a problem with Mobley. It could be said that he was a Jazz conservative. During the 60s’ big move in the music toward the kind of “progressivism” that would see Trane’s intergallactic travels and Miles’ fusion, Mobley stuck to his Hard-bop roots. Sadly, in spite of his huge talent he was a bit of a social misfit who couldn’t manage money and suffered from bad health. At the end of his life he was living at the Amtrak station in Philadelphia.
Probably his most highly regarded record:
Another great one:
One of my favorites and one with one of the best album titles in Jazz:
Someone here 😄 likes to proclaim “No blues, no Jazz”. Never a problem with Mobley. It could be said that he was a Jazz conservative. During the 60s’ big move in the music toward the kind of “progressivism” that would see Trane’s intergallactic travels and Miles’ fusion, Mobley stuck to his Hard-bop roots. Sadly, in spite of his huge talent he was a bit of a social misfit who couldn’t manage money and suffered from bad health. At the end of his life he was living at the Amtrak station in Philadelphia.
Probably his most highly regarded record:
Another great one:
One of my favorites and one with one of the best album titles in Jazz: