The clarinet doesn’t get a whole lot of love in Jazz. It’s not a particularly sexy looking axe; in spite of its shape 😊. I think, though, that a lot has to do with Jazz fans’ association of the instrument with “Dixieland”; or, what some consider Dixieland to be. Talk about unfair bias. In spite of all the justified appreciation and talk about traditional New Orleans music and blues and its earthiness and soul, the role and contribution of the clarinet in all that seems to get short shrift.
When most Jazz lovers talk about the clarinet in Jazz, the names that usually come to the fore are names like Shaw, Goodman, DeFranco, Hamilton and more recently Eddie Daniels. All great players and more than deserving of their fame, but they all followed the earlier great and very influential clarinet players.
Today is George Lewis’ birthday! One of the earliest and most important:
When most Jazz lovers talk about the clarinet in Jazz, the names that usually come to the fore are names like Shaw, Goodman, DeFranco, Hamilton and more recently Eddie Daniels. All great players and more than deserving of their fame, but they all followed the earlier great and very influential clarinet players.
Today is George Lewis’ birthday! One of the earliest and most important: