Not necessarily in overall concept, but in how his playing became more and more economical; as if he found ways to say what he had to say with fewer and fewer notes. One of the most expressive of saxophone players, he could express so much emotion with one or two notes.
It was my impression but having not your knowledge and experience, i miss the "word" economical... Thanks...Minimalistic but powerful expression yes.... Controlled in a mysterious way....
It is the first time in my life that a sax player induce in me the same love some trumpeter do...( i am excessive in my love or dislike or neutral gesture yes )
This 6 albums series is now one of my favorite one....
Jazz Giants....
Thanks for the recommendations.....I will swiftly look for them....
I listen the 2 short Wayne Shorter clip.... This guy play sax like i ,at the end, love the instrument at the level of my appetite for trumpet playing...I was ready to discover it....Timing is important in life....
I am in paradise....
I am passionate yes, but only hyperbole can convey my surprise listening their playings... And my surprize that jazz can hide jewels and gems like these...
Lee Morgan and Wayne Shorter are a "musical deal squad" made in heaven for sure....Like Coltrane and Davis in "Kind of blue"....But these two ressemble more each other for me and they integrate deeply their playings in one another, not one beside the other at all...It is not criticism of the 2 other geniuses only my way to describe my impression of their playings...I am not a musician tough feel free to correct me....
Lee Morgan is stupendous in his easiness and fluidity always meaningful chords....He play to surprise us with some chords inscribed in the "great musical book" already there and now here forever... He is so great that no showmanship is needed....
« Do you think that a blind who just see the light could be outrageous with too much hyperbole?»-Groucho Marx 🤓
«No,but Groucho you fall of your chair each day... »- Harpo Marx
« I quit my chair each week my dear, dont exagerate with hyperbole....»- Groucho Marx 🤓