JBL L250Ti vs. L300 Summit

I want to upgrade my speaker system with JBL's and have never had the opportunity to listen to either of these big boys. However I hear that both are terrific speakers, but would like your opinion. Thanks in advance.
I've not heard the 250ti's but have a pair of the smaller 120ti's. I have heard the L300. I currently own a pair of the 4343 monitor speakers which is a 4 way pro version of the L300. When I bought the 4343's I was also considering the 250ti's. Even though the 250ti's are considered the superior speaker, I went for the 4343's, primarily for the nostalgia factory but also because I've heard that the 43xx (incl the L300) have a little more bass slam and horn presence than the 250ti's. Both are excellent speakers in their own right and if you say one is better sounding than the other will draw an argument from someone. However the 250ti's are generally considered updated and more refined than any speaker that came before them. Better bass control, better crossover, better tweeter. A common comment I hear about all of the ti series is that they're easy to listen to for long periods of time. I can attest to that with my 120ti's. I'm extremely happy with my 120ti's so much so that I'm always keeping an eye out to upgrade them to the 240ti or the 250ti. The best of both worlds is to have both a pair of the 43xx series and the 250ti's. It would be the best of the 70's vs the best of the 80's circa speakers.

for more info go to this forum and do a search on the speakers. You'll find more than an evenings worth of reading:

Never heard the L250s, but have had the L300, L65 Jubile and L100 Century, some questions:

1.- Is your listening area a large one?, if answer is no, maybe a pair of L65 or L100 will do.

2.- L300 sound great with proper amplification, otherwise they tend to shuffle in the bass region, I used with great success CROWN and McIntosh amplification.

Hope this helps

im running a pair of the l250ti's with mcintosh gear & they sound great & yes they are real easy to listen to but they like power.

i also own a pair of mcintosh xrt22's & a pair of klipschorns & while the l250's dont come close to the xrt's i prefer them over my khorns.

the 250's arent so much of a in your face kinda speaker as some might think by looking at the large size of them, bass is strong but not boomy & mids & tweets are very clear.

keep in mind that you will need lots of power for the l250ti's to excell.
