@deep_333 --
Good advice.
@n_brio wrote:
M2 has a power rating on 1200w at 8 ohm and 4367 300w with the same drivers are the x-over so mutch weaker in the passiv speaker?
The 1,200 watts JBL M2 "rating" is really a reference to the Crown iTech5000HD power amplifier (with built-in DSP), that’s intended or certainly recommended in pairs for use with the M2’s actively, and which is power rated at 1,200W into 8 ohms.
The important takeaway here for using such powerful amplifiers in conjunction with the M2’s (who’s continuous power handling, like the 4367, is ~300W) is both for the reasons to maintain headroom as well as the nature of dynamic power delivery and handling. Also, their intended use professionally will necessitate higher SPL’s for longer durations, and so effortless delivery is paramount.