Jeff Rowland Synergy IIi versus Capri and Corus?

I currently have a Jeff Rowland Synergy IIi Preamp. I was wondering how it compares to the newer Capri and Corus Preamp.

Any thoughts on whether it is worthwhile to save up money to upgrade to either of these units...? Some have claimed that the relatively inexpensive Capri has bested preamps 2 or 3 times more expensive... Tks!
Optimus - tough question since I don't have any experience with the 201. But I did have a similar dilemma because I was overall very happy with the Synergy IIi - so I was in fact considering an amplifier upgrade. I eventually decided that upgrading the preamp first based on the logic that the 840W amplifiers are very good (and well reviewed to boot), that if there is any short-fall in the quality of an upstream component, then that will limit the overall potential of the whole system. So I followed my gut instinct and upgraded the preamp based on the assumption that the 840W amplifiers were not primary limitation in my system.
I must admit was surprised at the difference the Corus made because I did not perceive that the Synergy IIi to have any significant faults. I was fortunate to have had the opportunity to borrow a BPS battery supply that did lower the noise floor of the Synergy IIi. So that was the one area I expected some improvement. My surprise was the additional detail, deeper bass, improved dynamics and more precise imaging from the Corus.
But do note that I still think the Synergy IIi is a great preamp with a big inviting soundstage. Finally more detail, bass, and dynamics does necessarily not equate to more musicality – I still believe that the Synergy IIi can hold it’s own in that respect.
Mark - Thank you for your observations and thought process on the Corus and Synergy IIi. Both your and Dtanclim's comments lead me to believe that Rowland's technology has improved on both the amp and preamp side, by no small measure. Assuming I can find a dealer in my state, hopefully they'll be nice enough to let me compare...
Finding the right system synergy is fun and frustrating!
Hi Optimus, I agree with your comments. Rowland have really impressed me with their latest line, and the stand out for me in terms of pure value was the Corus pre. I run a Modwright KWA-150 amp which is a perfect match for my Marten Coltrane Altos, so I don't feel any need to upgrade my power amp. The JRDG Corus really got me salivating...I think it will be a perfect match for my Modwright & Martens. And yes the process is fun and frustrating!
I listen to JR Synergy IIi at my friend's MBL system. Initially , he
used MBL 6010D, coupled with MBL 9006 power amp, driving MBL 111B,
source is MBL 1511 and 1521, sound so natural, rich and warm. After he
switch the MBL 6010D pre amp to Synergy IIi ,sound so different, latter
has cooler, thinner sound, less body and emotion. Personally, I prefer
MBL 6010D because 6010S is more musical. You just want to listen more
and more.

When Capri was in market, I read so many good users reviews from
Audiogon and elsewhere until I was tempted to try it. Luckily, I has
chance to buy a used one to try it out first. when I audition at
seller's system, the sonic signature is similar to Synergy IIi and not
much better than former. I wasn't very happy with it. But I knew,
different gear in different system will turn out differently, so I want
to take a chance after all so many users confirm Capri is the most
musical pre of Jeff Rowland.
Other Jeff pre amp I listened before are Coherent,consummate. All are
very clean sounding at the expense of cool sound, no right or wrong, is a
matter of taste.
Now after owning Capri for about one year, I find I love it more than
when I just brought it home. I match it with Accuphase A45 power amp,
drive Dynaudio 30th Anniversary speaker, Consonance Droplet 5.0 special
edition. I am quite happy with it. It is very musical. The key factor is
avoid using silver cable with Capri, I use only copper cable.
Now I am interested to listen to new pre Corus, though it cost more
than double of Capri.But if good, I may upgrade. Hope can read more of
user's reviews first before making any decision.
This is only my personal experience,I believe not every one will agree.
You are correct about using copper cables. You are also correct about the "cool" sound. I am not a fan of "bright" sound. Many people think a bright system is more open. I think you are hearing distortion, but that is just my opinion. I am using Cardas Cables. I know, they are expensive and maybe over priced, but they work very well with Rowland gear. I understand much of the Rowland gear is wired with Cardas internally. I use Museatex speaker cables (this Canadian Company is now out of business; Ed Meitner was the owner; if you don't know who he is, google him). This cable just sounds right to me. If you can find some, try it!

I have the Synergy IIi mated with Model 12 mono blocks. It's all the power I need to service my Revel Studio's. My source components are Ayre CX-7eMP and a Nottingham TT. I am lucky it all works, but 1st impressions are a dark presentation. After proper warm up, it is very nice.

I haven't listened to the new offerings by Jeff. After speaking with Jeff one afternoon, I have to believe the new gear is awesome. He says he only brings in a new line when it is better than the previous one. Enough said, huh?