Jeff Rowlands Amp and Dac vs. VAC amp and DAC

Hello, I am new to this forum but I have a question. I am trying to pair an amp + DAC with my Wilson Sabrinas. I have listened to Jeff Rowlands integrated with the Aeris DAC. And the VAC Sigma integrated with the Aeris DAC. Price is a factor and so is space. Does the 625 need a pre-amp? Any suggestions or thoughts? 
Well, used listings for interconnects are a bit daunting, but if you help me de-mystify the field I might be able to pick up something quite decent used.

Here are my questions:
1.) should i try to find a used Crystal Cable to create a synergy with my speaker cable?
2.) should i start from scratch with the interconnect and then use that as a frame of reference if and or when I try other speaker cables farther down the road?
3.) what do you think of these current used cables:

a.  synergistic research tesla series precision reference XLR 4.5 feet $800 
b.  there is a tara labs ISM XLR interconnect for $875 but then in the very next listing a TARA LABS Zero Gold for $8000 (demo). so that is it I am seeing at 875? something very very old?
c.  Silnote Morpheus Reference II for 495

There is this whole combination of things with Synergistic Research (speaker cables, interconnect, etc.) called Galileo -- though the interconnects are RCA, can they be re-terminated XLR or is that a crazy question? And it has bananas whereas I am using spades? ETC. 

Or, any other advice would be so wonderful. Thanks everyone!!!!!!!! You are the best. 
rinpoche I was seeing that cable as an easy relatively low cost way to get you started and listen before you blew big bucks on a pair of interconnects. Also an advantage of buying cables use is the good old audition and flip, buy, listen, evaluate, and resell if the cable doesn't suit. A break even proposition and a great way to evaluate cables in your own system. Cheers!

Hi rinpoche, I echo the recommendation to postpone any cable quest until you have selected your amplifier and broken it in to perfection. If you fiddle with cables prior to the equipment having stabilized completely, you are bound to get results that are as bizarre as they are fleeting.

Meantime, your Crystal cables are very fine wires... They will constitute a stable platform onto which to baseline your eventual wiring quest.




For what it is worth, I have Silnote IC & digitals in all 3 of my systems - Morpheous in my headphone system, Posiedon in my 2nd system, Posiedon & Orion in my main system. Musical to my ears in all cases, may or may not be for you but a possible consideration. Good luck with the rest of your search