Jelco Easy VTA on the Fly

Hi guys

I Would like to present you this new VTA adjustment for the Jelco tonearms. Easy to install and use, this will be an upgrade that your Jelco arm really deserves.

Hope you like it.

Cleeds....not on MY arm it doesn't...  The tracking force is decreased when the rear of the arm is raised.  My cartridge sounds best at a particular dial it in you have to listen and adjust.  Because I have the 2nd pivot attached, the azimuth doesn't change, but all those who have a unipivot, the azimuth will change as well.  It might take a month or more of diddling until satisfaction (but never assurance) kicks in.

The tracking force is decreased when the rear of the arm is raised.
Hmmm, I’m not sure how your arm could have circumvented the physics and geometry that apply to other arms. Does your pickup arm rely on some unusual dynamic VTF mechanism???
With my Jelco or Jelco-OEM arms the performances of the
"Easy-VTA" and the "Ammonite" mounting collars are very
close to identical.
In both cases the sound is slightly more "solid" than with
the original one.

Due to the fact that I change from time to time the headshell/
cartridge-combos the "Easy-VTA" of course has a comfort
advantage if the height of the cartridges differs.