JM Lab Nova Be or Eggleston andra 3 ? anyone?

Hi i am in the market for JM Lab Nova Be or Eggleston andra 3
I can get them both for around the same price ,but I will never get the chance comparing them... ( one is in Greece the other in UK..Here we do not have a eggleston dealer,but I ve read many reviews for both ,so if somebody had a chance to listen to them both I will highly appreciate his opinion.
My system :
ps audio PWD mk2 + transport
pass x350.5 amp direcly to the PWD
cardas golden ref interconnects.
thinking about a future upgrade to halcro dm88 or pass xa160.5 amps
thx in advance
So many nice speakers in or around that price range.
YG Acoustics Kipod
Rockport Avior
Magico S5
Marten Bird 2
Vandersteen Carbon 5
and many many more.
I had Eggleston Andra II's (upgraded from I's). a very forgiving speaker IMHO.
The JM Lab speaker is made to an even higher build quality, but it "may" have more issues in getting the optimum set-up. also, you are comparing the esotar tweeter from dynaudio, a silk dome with uncommonly good reviews, with the beryllium tweeter in the Nova, which is super-high-tech. my "guess" is that the Nova is the better deal, while the Andra sounds utterly natural on piano, strings, and you can place it in a number of locations in a wide variety of rooms. i did hear a JM lab mezzo-utopia years ago and was very impressed, but the Nova-BE is a different speaker altogether, one i never got to hear personally. one other factor might be the BASS extension- the Egg's go below 20Hz with ease. some early reviews of JM Lab speakers mention less-than-adequate VERY-LOW bass extension. If you listen to pipe organ music a great deal this is another factor to consider.
thanks to all of you - I am still not shure what direction so I will appreciate opinions from people ,which have the chance comparing this speakers