I have an older SME V tonearm that I guess I will need to upgrade the bearings to make current. Ordering a classic and wondering how much worse/better/same/different the JMW 10.5 will be with my Grado Reference Sonata? Wondering if I should keep my SME V and "make it work" with the classic?
Anybody have experience dealing with the queue lever on the SME V? Mine won't go down by the lever unless I push it down first with the lever down, raise the lever and then lower the lever within 30 seconds or so. Otherwise I have to do the manual prep thing again.
Live with the Classic for awhile before doing anything. You may find out you can sell the SME and recoup a good portion of the Classic's cost. If not, you'll be able to make an informed decision.
To clarify, I'm not suggesting which arm is best. I've owned the original JMW and a SME Mark IV. Both are excellent arms. I've not heard the new JMW and I've never owned a Mark V.
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