Joule Electra VZN100 Thoughts

Thought I'd post some observations since trading for these amps I really wasn't looking for. That was about 9 months ago. I still have misgivings about them. I have a 2.5 year old who loves music and dancing and don't want to go through the trouble of making them safe. Those 12 6C33 tubes are intimidating - cool but worrisome. They take up a lot of room and they can really heat a room in the summer months. Great now that it's cold, we get a heated room. Customer service was not to be. They hum a bit too.

Here's lies the problem. In all the amps I've ever owned, auditioned, listened too, at the many audio shows I've attended, getogethers too, nothing I've heard so far has sounded better, that possessed the magic, that got me closer to real music than these tubed monoblock OTL's. I know it is system dependent, but the shear beauty and openness of these amps is nothing short of amazing. I've owned Pass, Halcro, Classe, and so many others. I had the Decware Torii when these amps found my living room. Great sounding amps the Torii's, nothing really to complain about, except when I reluctantly (was talked into it really) plugged these amps into my system it was one of those OMG moments.

I tweaked them a bit over the months, better power cords and connectors, and nearly made one unusable because I miss-wired a connector. That's when I discovered there was no support and no available documentation. I was on my own. It ended well, just a bad connection.

I noted during my cable upgrade that there were some bulging capacitors. These amps I guess are around 10 years old. Maybe it's time to replace the caps? That would be quite a rebuild.

These amps are controlled by a Allnic L3000 preamp, fed from a NAD M51 DAC which gets music from a very well filtered server. Super V speakers make it all happen.

So goes my story of these OTL's. Thought I'd share and wonder if anyone who has spent time with these amps, had found something even better?
I'm sure they sound glorious! I have one of their preamps and love it! Have you talked to Steve Leckrone of the Service Department who handles service for Joule?

I assume you have.

Joule Electra website link below (bottom of page):

Joule Electra Service
I can't help you in that I haven't ever owned them but I did have the opportunity to have a VZN 80 in my system for an extended period about 9-10 years ago, glorius indeed!

Your concerns are the same as mine and a reason I ultimately decided against them, I was considering the VZN 100's, too big, too much heat from the VZN 80 as it was and I was concerned that the amount of heat generated would most probably shorten the life of the parts and there would be frequent service issues. I can't comment further on this since I've never owned them. I have read on these forums by an OTL manufacturer that a reason his company ruled against using the 6C33 tube was the amount of heat generated at the plate and the resultant fatigue that would result to the sockets. In other words, sockets should be replaced with the tube. Don't know about that for sure but it would certainly be a concern, especially coming from someone familiar.

The bottom line is that there are tradeoffs for such a degree of magic the Joule provides and one has to ultimately decide whether it is worth it or not. I am sure if I had a dedicated listening space I would have seriously considered their purchase. It seems you have arrived at that point, especially with a toddler that has access which would be MY biggest concern. I hope it works out for you. There are other amps to consider, I have a Berning zh270 which I've owned for 10 years with not ONE issue including tube replacement and it is in regular use daily. It is no longer in production and I will say it doesn't have that harmonic envelope or the huge sound of the Joule. The two are quite different but IMHO the Berning is more natural to the source, OTL transparency, clarity, scale, speed and wonderful tonality. These amps have that uncanny ability to really separate instruments and voice in acoustic space which renders a realism to recorded music, as do all the OTLs I've listened to. The big deal with the ZOTL amps by Berning is that there is less heat and they are easier to place but they may not be your cup of tea. With a good source and well sorted out system they have a natural sound and presentation that I haven't heard bettered. Again taste would come into play and it might be too hard to walk away from the addictive sound of the Joule! You should at least listen to the newer zotl models if you haven't already. Different for sure but better, only you can decide.
Thanks Tubegroover, for the response.

The Joules have been solid except for just recently, a glowing red tube. I purchased 4 of the 6C33 NOS for under a $100 dollars including shipping from Russia so no complaints there. Waiting for arrival. I happen to have on loan an Almarro amp which incredibly and I mean incredibly, uses 2 6C33 tubes! So I borrowed one.

Having great fun going between 2 sources, a Mac Mini using a Kora power supply running Audiovana and a CAPs server using a SoTM card running JRiver 18 both feeding my NAD M51 is it truly eye opening, stunning, whatever I can call it.

What are the limits in this hobby? I may have to start burning incense.

I will keep my eye out for the Berning. I may document the the Joules for a replacement of caps and new chassis. I do not own the "Musicwood" version. I'm pretty sure though, that with considerable effort, I can produce a very upscale chassis for these amps. The problem lies with the complete lack of support. With my former wiring gaf, all Jud wanted to do is sell me another set. And I did contact Steve but since I performed the replacement of the lamp cords that came originally with these amps, no one wants to touch them. Can't blame them really. It ended well, the cords are replaced, the sound even more open, crazy dynamics, and the hum diminished but certainly not gone.