

Responses from desalvo55

VPI to What
I owned a VPI Scoutmaster fitted with a Dynavector XXV MK II. I used a PS Audio phono for awhile but wasn't satisfied. I upgraded to an Rogue Audio Aeris phono which was better but, I still like my digital setup better.  Sold the VPI and Aeris fo... 
Wish to Upgrade Phono Stage and Cart
I thought about the Evo 100. Like the brand. But does it even compete with my Allnic H5500? Like the Aura, which is a solid state device, would it be an upgrade? Certainly, the Aphelion cart would be an upgrade. With my busy lifestyle, often, I w... 
Wish to Upgrade Phono Stage and Cart
Aphelion seems like a logical choice but as others said, raising the VTA is an easy task if I wanted to explore Allnic cartridge gems. I can get a nearly new Allnic H7000 a very deep discount, but it's still painfully expensive, especially given ... 
Wish to Upgrade Phono Stage and Cart
Thanks Dover, I did not think about having to modify the Rega using certain cartridges. There seem to be so many well reviewed ones in audio land. It's also true that there are reviews that marry the Rega to the Allnic H7000 with great synergy. Th... 
Wish to Upgrade Phono Stage and Cart
Regarding the Yamaha and Technics turntable, I simply added the Allnic phonostage to the aux input of the Yamaha just to see what a modern day high-end phonostage would sound through my vintage equipment. I might keep it there. So I’m in the mark... 
Lumin Hifi Rose or Aurender
I find the Rose 130 to be a remarkable piece of kit. And this is spite of having my 1st one refusing to 'boot' after 2 weeks of ownership. So, a bad beginning. I learned something about dedicated streamers. You see, I have 2 systems, which is nut... 
Legacy Wavelet as Preamp/DAC/DSP vs just DSP
I ordered the Aeris along with the Wavelet a few weeks ago. My greatest concern over the purchase of these speakers is the compromise I may have to deal with my DAC.  My integrated does not have any preouts. My DAC, as I understand, will have to ... 
Harbeth 40.3's. Should I buy them?
Thanks for all the great suggestions and comments as well.  It seems the Harbeths inspire a lot of conversation and rightly so.  Maybe no speaker can perform at the highest level with every genre. Our long gone line arrays came the closest. When ... 
Legacy XD series for tube amplifier thoughts
Thanks for your insight. I cannot use subs. My integrated has no pre-outs. That's why the Legacy product is on my radar. I wish for a truly full-range speaker that is transparent and can perform with a variety of music. It would be nice if the q... 
We should reject hard-to-drive speakers more often
Since my wife doesn't like my speakers but we both love of tube gear, we're keeping our tube gear and now looking for efficient 'enough' speakers. I mean, my amp has 150wpc in pentode mode so what might be the problem? Woofers. But there are effic... 
How do you find time to enjoy your $$$ speakers and system?
Maybe different for me. It's funny, now that I had a home built with a dedicated 2 channel room, it doesn't get much love. And here's the problem. I'm retired but my wife works a lot of hours, so there's little time for her to sit and enjoy the f... 
How do you stop house guest from damaging your speakers?
If someone would have touched my Joule Electra VZN100's, I wouldn't have to say anything. Of course they wouldn't have been able to hear me against the own screaming.  Had to eventually sell them as I was worried my little guy might seriously hur... 
Legacy XD series for tube amplifier thoughts
I have. Seem like very nice speakers. Terry London of Stereo times bought a pair FWIW.  
Harbeth 40.3's. Should I buy them?
ozzy62. The Spatial's X3's do not need subs. I did feel like they could be improved with a more powerful plate amp, however, and a few X3 owners have done that. I cannot use separate subs in my system due to the lack of pre-outs (although I'm chea... 
Harbeth 40.3's. Should I buy them?
We're not selling our Allnic gear. Not an option. Our Buchardts are a 4ohm 88db efficient speaker. The Allnics 60wpc in triode drives them without complaint. The 150wpc in pentode drives mode them louder still.  The Alta Audio Alec's are 93db ef...