
I would like some help in understanding what, if any, unique characteristics i should look for in purchasing jumper cables for my monitors...Connection types, etc.

Thanks all!
If you use banana pins then get spade jumpers. The same cable is good but I found that a very neutral transmitter for a short distance works well. Walker makes a Jumper which is perfectly simple. Although I currently use Cardas copper braid with Rhodium spades previously just stripped copper hook-up wire but the Walker appears to be a superior solution. I would add only if you don't suffer the radio transmission interference RMI IFE etc. It is a silver bar not so thin to that it looks like it would bend easily terminated with the same silver spades. A staight distance betweeen your upper and lower binding posts. No -Nada -nothing else to it -not even insulation or embellishment- etc very simple.
Try to buy the same jumpers as your speaker cables and have one end in spades and the other in bananas if your speakers accept them.
