Jupiter Copper Foil, Paper & Wax Cap Versus Jensen Cap 0.10uF 630Vdc Copper Foil Ceramic

Your advice and comments would be most helpful and appreciated.
I will need to change my current capacitors in my tube power amp as one of my current Jensen 0.1uF 630V Copper Foil, PIO, Aluminium is now a problem - caused a EL34 tube heater to glow red. I will need four new capacitors.

I am considering two possible replacements:

1. 0.1uF 600Vdc Jupiter Copper Foil, Paper & Wax Capacitor   
2. Jensen Capacitor 0.1uF 630Vdc Copper Foil Ceramic Case 

Any comments on how these compare in their sound characteristics?
I would like a cap that offers balance across all frequencies, control, richness, enticing tone, and transparency. Also ease of flow of the music.    
Thanks so much, Bob 

The added $100s extra for a .01 cast is not worth it the value is 
so small , thst is why the Duelund .01 ur Bypass cap is used 
if you wanted a Big difference then justget the wallet out 
what size is the tweeter capacitor 2-3uf  ? If so over $ 1k for 2 cast caps . The Duelund Bypass caps I hav3 in my speaker well worth the extra $$, and for the record just look st my feedback 
on the Duelund Zobel  Clarifiers I Make ,they work cleaning up all high frequency noise and work with Any Speaker, a simple 
but very effective upgrade. Unless you have tried these you can’t 
make a educated statement .To a true Audiophile even a few % is well worth a small purchase.
The bypass caps are still $100 each and I am wondering whether to just go the whole hog and purchase the Duelund Capacitor 0.1uF 630Vdc CAST-PIO-Cu (Sn).

How close would the Jensen plus Duelund combination come to sounding as good as the Duelund Capacitor 0.1uF 630Vdc CAST-PIO-Cu (Sn)? I think this is where my final decision lies.
Again, keep in mind that if used as a coupling cap, the bias on the power tubes may be affected if either cap develops an electrical leakage. The result could be shortened power tube life, but it could also result in a damaged power transformer.
Very rare any quality cap leaks I have used Jensen’s at least 80 over the last 4 years not One has failed back in 2010 they had some issues that was due to sealing the ends ,now they use a heavy solder seal,then. A vacuum silicone on the ends . The oil caps i in Duelund , a Jensen and the excellent New caps Milflex from Poland which I just enstalled 5 .022per speaker with a larger Jensen on the mids and Loudspeaker Zobel ,and a Duelund Bypass on the end of my AMT tweeter, the have oil impregnated paper ,no a bath of oil .
and BTW I put the Superb Path Audio Resistors throughout my Loudspeaker chain ?i have been using them in builds for over 5 years Fantastic synergy
they truly transform your Loudspeakers in any position.psrts connecxion  hardly
ever has proper stock.i now order them from Nick at Hifi collective win the UK
when I owned my Audio store there I learned a ton about modding .  Milflex Copper foil poly,paper in oil caps are for the money best cap value for the buck
on par with Jupiter Copper foil but take longer to fully runin up to 500hours
just ask Jeff at Sonic Craft.  
Has anyone tried Jupiter Copper Foils bypassed with a V-cap CuTF?  Just curious if a .01uF V-cap would benefit a Jupiter CF with its resolving and leading edge detail or will it detract from the Jupiter's already beautiful organics?
@erik_squires what  dsze Audyn cap do you need?  I may have some laying around if you want to try them.