Just how many outlets do you need for your stereo?

I am curious to know how many outlets folks use for their stereo system.  I am looking at a new power isolation, surge protector, and wondering how many outlets to specify.   It always seems there are not enough but more outlets mean more money up front.   
The two Pyle PS1000 units arrived today.   The PS stands for Power Sequencer and it will sequence 8 outlets  Overall, it is a clean build and well worth the $125 price for each.   The sequencer can be daisy chained so up to 100 outlets can be sequenced, although each unit requires a connection to the AC mains.   See it  here - https://smile.amazon.com/Outlet-Power-Sequencer-Conditioner-Controller/dp/B07P76C2PF/ref=sr_1_6?crid...

The sequencer, voltmeter, temperature gauge, and relays are all controlled by a microprocessor.  Looking at the manual, I see a 24 dBm / octave filter on each outlet.  The filter is made up of two X caps and two common chokes so there are two 12 dBm / octave filters back to back on each outlet, making up the 24 dBm filter.  No values are specified, so I can't sim it in Cadence.

That is the good news.  They somewhat bad news is they also have the typical Y capacitors from line and neutral to ground,  Although the Y caps can improve noise filtering somewhat, it also bleeds some line current onto the grounds, so it may induce a low level hum into the system.   In general, I dislike inducing any current onto Earth ground, but it is a very common practice.  [UL codes are pretty disgusting in this respect, as they allow multiple milliamps of bleed current.]   The primary difference between regular line filters, like this one, and hospital grade line filters, are the lack of Y caps in medical grade filters.
I'll do some more involved listening tests this weekend and next weekend, if I get some time in the lab, I will see how much of that microprocessor clock bleeds onto the outlets and what the filter bandwidths are like.   Hopefully, it is better than the APC unit I have now.

Only 6 MC?
Where do you plug all your Schumann resonators?

Despite other comments, I still plug a pair of big monoblocks into separate dedicated 20A rings.  Doesn't happen with my Krell KRSs but on the ordinary 13A house ring my KSA50 (Krell's first product) dims the lights for a second when I power it up, while it fills its big toroidal.
"A 15 amp standard house outlet will supply about 1800 watts. To be conservative, say 1500 watts."  Cakyol

Should say a 15A circuit will supply 1800W.  As most circuits have a few outlets, other devices plugged in must be added into the burden on that circuit.  Should unplug those if you want to 'dedicate' the circuit to your AV system, or install a one-outlet circuit, at which point that one should be a 20A.  Why skimp--nothing should be ordinary in a high-performance system.  
@jafreeman  I agree, when you have a ton of money invested in a system, why skimp on dedicated 20A line? In general, it isn't too expensive to have an electrician install one and usually it's free to get a quote.

@clearthinker Those torridal transformers really do have a hefty turn on surge.  We have some big ones at work which will blow a 30 A, 240 VAC breaker every single time the units are powered on if they didn't have a soft start circuit.  That plus the higher cost of a torridal over a E Frame is the main reason they are not used for audio as often as they should.   For power amps, they are just the perfect transformer.   The reduced EMI footprint and better line noise immunity is also a big plus for both power amps and small signal devices. 

So, I installed the Pyle PS-1000 unit and have been playing around with it for a while now.   The very low level hum that was evident from APC unit is gone and with it there was a noticeable sound quality improvement.   I'm not saying this Pyle unit is the end all of all EMI filters, but clearly it is noticeably better than the APC unit it replaced, which was significantly more money in a major way, too.   I do believe this is a great, low cost, stop-gap fix while I experiment with higher end line filters.

I did notice that since the equipment is completely powered off now, it has a warm up time of about 15 minutes.   The equipment is well broken in, only the Pyle unit is relatively new. 

As for the number of outlets, it has 8 switched and one unswitched.  For the home theater I need 11 switched outlets, so I piggybacked one outlet with this unit:  https://www.homedepot.com/p/Yellow-Jacket-2-ft-12-3-SJTW-Multi-Outlet-3-Outdoor-Heavy-Duty-Contractor-Adapter-Extension-Cord-with-Power-Light-Block-64824501/303020524  

I ordered another unit so I won't need to piggy back anything.