Just moved and have a smaller audio room 10.5 x 15

I just moved into a new home and my audio room is 10.5 feet wide by 15 feet long with a 7 foot opening behind the seating area thats at the other end of the 15 foot length.

I currently have Spendor SP1/2e with a PASS X250 amp and like it. But having sold my B&W 801's I have some extra money to try something different.

I'm looking at
Quad ESL -63
Magnepan mg1.6 (I owned and liked the 3.6)
Gallo Ref 3.1
Montana SP2 signature
Von Schwe VR4-jr
Usher BE-718
Vandersteen 2ce signatures (Owned the older 2ci and liked them)
Audio physics Virgo III (Owned them before and thought they had the best and smoothest top end of all my past speakers)

Listening is 90% clasic rock and blues (4 piece bands) no head bangin

Thanks for any thoughts or sugestions
Gallo's...they have big sweet spot and you can sit closer to them than with most of the speakers out there...
Should be a no brainer. Go with the Quads. You can always sell them for what you paid for them if you don't like them. Of course with the Quads you will probably end up looking at nice tube amplifiers to drive them. You know one thing leads to another...
the VR-4s are too big for your room. If you were happy with your SP1/2s might you consider a different Spendor like the S8e? Darned good speaker.
I would just add some info about your room. One listener above suggested the long wall should be behind your speakers. Try it, but also try pulling your speaks out three or four times there depth from the short wall behind your speaks and two to three times times their width from the side walls. You will have the opening of your room behind your seated position in that case which is a good thing, IMO. Where to put your seat? If you are thinking that your speakers wouldn't be spread apart far enough in that case, remember that's its all relative. Try sitting at the apex of an EQUIDISTANT triangle first with some toe-in. Move your seat back, or not, season to taste.

If you wind up with some planar speakers, the suggestion about the long wall is particularly worth trying at 24 to 28" out. If you wind up with some dynamic speaks with a tight grouping of the drivers like the Usher Tiny Dancers, they will disappear with an equidistant triangle, no worries. And your stage will open up in ways you may not have experienced. Happy trails.
by Dazone