Just Ordered New Speakers

I just put the order in for a pair of Golden Ear Triton Reference Speakers. I was able to get the first production run which should be shipping sometime in May. They will replace my Triton 1 speakers which will be moved upstairs to my secondary system. Presently I have Triton 2 in my secondary system, so those will go on the market once my new speakers come in. I bought these without hearing them, but since I already own both the 1 and 2, I am positive I will love them. They all have the GE house sound which I like very much.

Now the long wait and anticipation begins

@mechans there are scores of professional reviews and hundreds of customer testimonials all of which trumpet the extremely high sound quality. Add to that the relatively low cost, and this is why Golden Ear has been and continues to be very successful. Their speakers are easily comparable to those costing many (5-10) times their MSRP.
All of this retirement talk is making me jealous!
I'm still about 8 years away.....sigh.
Golden Ear may be out with a Statement model by then.....

You will get there.  I was hoping to work until age 66  but my job is mostly hard manual labor and with Arthritis I really ache most of the time.  After our last snowstorm (we had 3 storms in 3 days)  after I had gone to the school and snowblowed all the walkways and dug out all the outside doorways alone, then redid my driveway again my wife told me to retire as soon as I turn 64 which is November 2017. I know I won't be able to afford any more new equipment once I retire so I figured, why not?

I am still looking into a new VPI Prime Turntable.  I will be calling Johnny Rutan from Audio Connection tomorrow.  I would love to get the TT this weekend to tide me over.  May seems like a million years away right now and I am of a very impatient kind of person. 

True, we never really know what life has in store for us.
I'm hoping to work until I am 65, but that is not a given.

It sounds like you've worked hard enough, it's time to enjoy yourself.
I've owned a VPI Prime for about a year now, very nice table/arm combo!
It sounds like you will be set up nicely for retirement, congrats!!

I'm a vintage guy myself, but I will say this on retirement, my older brother was waiting for 66, he did'nt make it.
He passed away at 65, all I could think of after the sorrow was what a waste chasing every last penny he could get.
After a life time of working, just be happy to retire and do what you want for as long as you have left.
I have been retired and I can tell you, it's nice to do what you want.
Especially listening to music anytime you want and no set bedtime.
Nothing as nice as Egales at 3 in the morning after a set of Pink Floyd.