Just wondering...

Sorry about the poor choice for the title but I just couldn’t compress my question into only a few words. I’ve been watching A’gon to find a good deal for a decent DAC in the $1K price range to improve my CD listening experience. As I look through the listings, I see DACs priced in tens of thousands - saw a Boulder 2020 with retail price of $32K listed for $15K. Probably an awesome bargain for somebody. To some degree I can understand speakers selling for crazy prices partly justified by their sound as well as their "furniture" value. I’m also sure a $20K pair of speakers will still sound incredible ten years from now. I can even sort of get amplifiers being a little crazy in price but they seem to last forever, at least technology-wise. I’m still loving my 35 year old McIntosh amp but can’t imagine using the same DAC even three or five years from now. What am I missing? Can a $32K DAC sound that different from a $1K DAC?

I've been diving deeply into desktop audio & headphone listening for the past 1-2 years. In that connection, I've used 2 DACs that impressed me greatly, albeit for very different reasons:

1 - Peachtree Audio DAC iTx: It may be inexpensive (~$300 list), but this humble little box, complete w/remote control, outperformed every other DAC and/or CD player I've heard over the years. w/o delving into technicalities, let's just say that it sounded more natural, less bright/sibilant, and was altogether more listenable than any other device I've used. It also has great input flexibility, being able to rapidly switch via remote control from USB to optical to coax input. I'm fed it via the coax input, which sounds best to me (courtesy of a Musical Fidelity 192/24 V-Link & Oyaide RCA coax cable--the latter highly recommended).

2 - Audio GD NOS-19: It cost ~$1,000. Audio GD is a Chinese high-end company that gets much love in the headphone community. This DAC is one of 2 resistor ladder (R2-D) units they make. You'll have to do some reading on R2-D DACs, if you're not familiar with the term. My version of their R2-D DAC is non-oversampling (thus "NOS" in the model name), and is easily the best digital I've ever heard--relaxed, natural, analogue-like. Again, I use the coax input, which sounds best.

Both DACs are highly recommended.

By the way, I also own one of Audio GD's "all-in-one" products (combination of preamp, headphone amp, and DAC), the NFB-15.32. It's also very competent and good for what it does...

Note that'll I'll soon upgrade my S/PDIF convertor from the MF unit to a much touted new Chinese unit. This will only matter to those who obtain their signal from a computer via USB.
" Pro Audio Dacs = True to the source as best they can do
Hifi dacs = Lets make a dac sound different than neutral"

Then why don't all pro audio dac's cost and sound the same? Sound quality varies just like dacs for home use. 

What method do you use when determining what dac's come closer to the source than others?
I believe that as far as for home audio, this is as fancy as you can ever go with DACs:
There is also optional external power supply that makes this toy almost twice as pricey. 
Is there any sense to compare sizes of Antelope Audio and size of company that built $32K DAC?  Because size matter -- bigger better.. 
I home auditioned a couple of dacs and ended up buying the Schitt yggy DAC.  For 2399.00 it is far better than any I listens to.  Go to the headfi forum there are 2 threads you can read on for a month. 
Seems the question is this: Given the inevitable improvement in technology, do I go "all-out" on the best possible DAC or get a more reasonably priced DAC and replace more often?
I'll offer some insight based on a conversation I had with a tech at Ayre. His view is their new CODEX ($1800) sounds better than their older QB9 ($2900).  The simple interpretation from that would say that the "reasonable and replace" strategy has merit. 
Having said that I have seen reviews that dispute that SQ statement and reviews that support it. And I fully expect the "Ayre just wants to sell more DACs" comments so have at it. 
As for me, computer based audio technology is moving fast. When I bought my QB9 there was no Roon and no Tidal, and DSD downloads were a gleam in the eye. So, I go with the "reasonable and replace" strategy.  Too bad my definition of "reasonable" isn't a $32k DAC :-) 
And I think mesch is correct in his post. Buying a good used one is the most bang for the buck unless you need the latest bells & whistles.