K-Pop Fan Thread

You know who you are....You may not speak or understand a lick of the Korean language, but, you feel like groovin, bustin a move, etc when the K-Pop comes on and the subs start slammin. This thread is for the like-minded who decided to expand their horizons a bit.

(And...if the lyrics ever got a li'l cheesy/sappy, you would never know because it's in a language you don't comprende).


Yaeji - Drink I'm Sippin On


J-Hope - More


BTS - Anpanman



To tell you more, I got extremely bored with New Year 2024 and switched to watch DPRK New Year 2024 concert instead. It was superior to any US broadcast by far.

same as other pop. words are same as well no need for translation details. just refer to Rihanna, Beyonce and other pop-tartists. For the purpose you trying to follow, I'd recommend switching to Japanese City Funk and fusion. It's a lot more interesting.

Ryo Fukui, Masayoshi Takanaka, Casiopea, Jun Fukamachi, Yuji Ohno

@czarivey  Thanks for the suggestion, will look into it...I tried some French pop for a bit, but, i can understand French so the cheesy/sappy lyrics hit me in the face the same as Beyonce.

same as other pop. words are same as well no need for translation details. just refer to Rihanna, Beyonce and other pop-tartists. For the purpose you trying to follow, I'd recommend switching to Japanese City Funk and fusion. It's a lot more interesting.

Ryo Fukui, Masayoshi Takanaka, Casiopea, Jun Fukamachi, Yuji Ohno

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@deep_333 -1 You are trying too hard with irrelevant content? Stick with your "Know It All BS" some of us get a good laugh!!!