KAB modded Technics 1210

I believe I have a good frame of reference having been a record collector since I'm 6 (I'm now 48) and a TT enthusiast for the same time span. Some folks even say I have good "taste".

I have owned Rega (3 and 5) and a couple Linn LP 12s. I also once had a Nottingham Spacedec.

I explored the modded Technics because I was looking for a really simple, fun to operate deck to use around my 3 kids.

After chatting with Kevin, I bought a 1210 M5G with provisions for the power supply (although at first I did NOT procure the PS), the "damping" trough, and the Stanton integral cart (modded by KAB). I was very happy with the purchase.

Last week I added the PS and the Isonoe (UK) footers.

Folks, this TT kills.

Have I gone crazy? I don't think so. Do I still love the Regas, Linn LP 12 and Nottingham? Yes.

Is the Technics worth your exploration. Double "yes".

I have no affiliation with KAB whatsoever. Just a good guy with a wonderful product.
Since I started this, let me try to hit the questions broached thus far bearing in mind my frame of reference has always been the venerable Linn LP12, now so costly it hurts:

So, what does the KAB power supply in conjunction with the Isonoe feet bring to the party? Bass is far more tuneful than before. This is hugely important to me. Frankly, I find tuneful bass to be the cornerstone of music-making. The Linn gets this right. The Technics, with the 2 mods mentioned, does too.

Further, I'm finding (hearing) stuff buried in the mix that catches me by surprise (in a good way, that is-it's all connected to the music, not pulled apart from it). This suggests the mods mentioned above help the TT and arm draw stuff off the record in a more facile fashion.

Finally, the musicians sound like they are more in the groove (more in the pocket). This is what it is all about, folks.

I have the damping trough installed. I will not talk about that mod because I have not been motivated to fill the trough just yet. The TT is so blowing my mind right now, I'm just leaving it alone for a while.

I need to add, this TT is being used currently with the KAB Stanton MM cart. I've used my table with a Shelter MC and it is better still.

What platter mat am I using? Standard Technics mat that was supplied by Kevin. I also own the Herbie's but, with the 2 new mods, have not ventured into Herbie's world at this time. It will improve the Tech mat. It did before. I see no resaon it will not with the 2 new mods.

I hope this helps. I'm not a hifi writer, just a music fan who (I think) knows a good product when I hear one.
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TVAD- Yes, your deduction is fair to say as I have not independently auditioned the PS/Isonoe feet. The TT, as currently constituted, kills is what I will say. Perhaps not scientific enough for some, but I'm not a lab.
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