Keep Adcom GFP-750 or Replace

Hi all.  

I am in the process of going through my system and updating it a bit.  The process started about a year ago when I decided it was time to burn everything on CD to FLAC so I could easily access it.  I ended up with a Jriver Id as a music server and upgrading from my old Bel Canto Dac 1 to a Schiit BiFrost Multibit.  Recently my Magnepan 3.5's started to delaminate so they are off at Magnepan being rebuilt.  Finally, my Sunfire Amp is about 20 years old, so it is going off to Bill Flanery to get serviced and caps replaced.  So my system as it sits looks like this:

Pioneer Elite CD Transport
Jriver Id
Rega Planar 1 to a Schiit Mani Phono Pre
Bose Soundtouch Wireless Link Adapter (Please don't laugh, it was the only reasonably priced streamer for Amazon music and Spotify with an optical out.  It pained me to give them my money).  
Schiit Bifrost Multibit DAC
Schiit Loki EQ
Adcom GFP 750 Preamp
NHT X2 Crossover
Rythmik F15HP Subwoofer
Sunfire Stereo Amp
Magnepan 3.5 (using Revel F36s until they come back)
Monster HTS-3500 power controller
Wireworld Cables

My room is pretty large, approximately 21x21 with a cathedral ceiling and open to other rooms.  It is bit lively, but I am installing some GIK panels to help mellow it out.  I listen mostly to classic rock, but it can go from classical to rap depending on my mood.  I historically like a more laid back sound, for speakers Magnepan and Vandersteen have always hit the mark closest.  I do not do a lot of serious listing anymore, often I run the streamer.  It is only once every couple of weeks that I really sit down to listen.  I am also not a big vinyl person.  

So I am now looking at my 20 year old Adcom and that parts are becoming NLA and that it really probably needs a refresh which will run $500-600 (perhaps it will be an upgrade because replacement parts will be better, but impossible for me to tell).  In the alternative, it looks like I could get about $700 for the Adcom and not spend the money shipping it and getting it fixed, so if I bought something else, it would put me in the $1200-1300 budget range.  So I have been looking and come up with:

1)  Emotiva XSP-1-  Hits a lot of boxes on features I would like.  It has a built in crossover so I could ditch the NHT X2.  It has a remote trigger so I can turn the pre-amp on an everything else comes on (yes I am getting lazy). It has a processor loop for my Loki.  It has a built in phono preamp, so one less box.  I am just not sure if it will hit where I want on the sound spectrum, which is a bit laid back.

2)  Rogue Audio RP-1- Looks like the sound profile I like and has a built in phono preamp.  Used it would likely be in my budget.

3)  Schiit Saga or Freya-  I really like these guys, they have gotten back to the idea of audio doesn't have to cost a fortune and should be fun.  I am really intrigued by their amps, but am unsure which one if I get one.  I like the Freya allows me to run as solid state or tubed.  I have the ability to run balanced from the preamp to crossover to amp, but never have bothered and not sure it is worth the extra.  

Also, I have to have a remote for volume and am not interested in a passive preamp (I find it just doesn't have the drive when I run the Adcom in passive mode).  Thoughts, guidance, suggestions?

Thank you.
“is a Sunfire pre/pro an option to match your Amp?Happy Listening!”

Yes, except I want one with a remote, which is about as easy as finding a unicorn.  I should have grabbed one years ago when they were going for $800.  
An Update.  

Bought a Schiit Freya, as I have been very happy with their other components.  I purchased the upgraded Tung Sol tubes from the factory.  It has been running about 4 hours, but based on my impressions so far, it will be going back.  My initial notes (including swapping the 750 back in and out to make sure I wasn't nuts).

1)  Where did my gain go?  The Adcom if anything has too much gain.  The Freya in passive seems to to missing about 3-6 db in passive and jfet mode from the Adcom (to where I was maxing the volume on quieter CD's, something I have never done with the Adcom).  This is with XLR connections in and out.  

2)  Despite being rated at 14db gain for the tube stage (same as my Adcom), the jump from passive to tube is much smaller than the adcom from passive to active.  I don't mind that, and prefer it, but I am wondering if they changed it from the initial design.  I had emailed them about the gain in tube asking if it was the same for XLR and RCA (they said 14db for both), it is not.  It is 6db less for RCA, same as my adcom.  

3)  Sound:

a)  Passive-  Unoffensive, lacking dynamics, and a bit veiled.  The Adcom sounds like someone just removed grunge in comparison when in active and has better dynamics in passive.  

b)  Active-  I am grouping these, as from my initial listen, aside from volume the Jfet mode and tube mode sound very close. Dynamics are much improved from the passive mode and about the equivalent of the GFP-750 in passive mode.  The grain is better, but still there, and there is some midrange shoutiness.  Soundstage may be slightly better than the Adcom, but my room has some imaging problems I am still working on.  Overall the Adcom is blacker, you hear into the music further and when in active mode, it has much stronger dynamics (which is a good thing for maggies).  

I am going to let it run in for another 24 hours to see if there are any significant changes, but as of right now, I am not excited about it.  I was really looking forward to trying this preamp and had high hopes.  
Update 2.  I thought is might be a level matching thing, so pulled out the SPL meter and matched with pink noise on a tripod to .5 db. Then left both running, swapping XLR's on the input and output. In comparison in active mode for the Adcom and tube mode for the Freya (arguably the best sounding in the Freya), the Adcom was harmonically much richer, had a much blacker background, no grain, and to put it bluntly, kicked the Freya in its nuts and told it go back. I have emailed Schiit for an RMA, but also brought up how much of a difference in sound as I almost think there is something wrong with the one I got.  

Just to be sure, I am going to have my wife and friend who could care less have a listen and single blind swap them to see if they hear a difference.  If the differences are as dramatic as I believe, they should hear a difference (not saying which they may like or understand the difference).  
Update 3.  Wife listened briefly without knowing which was which and said the second sounded clearer by a lot.  It was the Adcom.  Want to see if Schiit finds anything wrong as I don’t believe it should be this noticible of a difference.