KEF Blade

has anyone heard the new Kef Blade? And how does it sound and compare to the 207/2 (my current speaker which I LOVE).
Thank you Tpreaves for sharing your beholder haha ;-)
Yes Face...really want to hear them as well. And going to this month ... deo volente
I'll be checking them out tomorrow at RMAF. Very anxious to hear how they sound as I'm a big KEF fan.
10-10-11: Nirodha35
Thank you Tpreaves for sharing your beholder haha ;-)

No problem Nirodha, always willing to add my .02 worth, even if it's only mindless babble!!!!! Hey Tex, how did they sound? Better than they look I hope!!!!!
Well, now that I am back from Denver, I can share....but very little. I went in to the KEF Blade room Friday afternoon. It was packed so I only stayed a few minutes. (for those of you familiar with these type of demos, understand they are in a small hotel room with sometimes 10 people in there, often talking, moving about, etc). I got my pic of them and listened while standing up in the back of the crowd (all of the audition seats were occupied). They sounded nice and coherent but not much on to comment about than that. I had planned to go back on Saturday for an extended listen but apparently KEF had other ideas and they were already gone, being shipped back to England (or another audio show?). Kind of baffles me to bring a statement speaker for only the first few hours of the first day of an audio show and then not have them available on the day where the most people (locals and late arrivers, etc) would hear them. But what do I know. I'm not a marketing genius but seems odd to me.