Kilpisch + Ojas kO-R1

I get the cooperative marketing thing (ooh, aah, esoteric aura...), but my simple question is this: why would you mount the woofer behind the baffle rather than in/on it? A cursory review of Ojas' other speakers indicates this is a common design philosophy. Doing so must create measurable, if not audible, diffraction. Is there another potential benefit to doing it this way that offsets the diffraction, or is it simply about reducing the manufacturing costs?


I can’t answer the question about diffraction, but I do find Devon Turnball extremely interesting. In terms of aesthetics, I like the look of these kO-R1s, but I’m sure many will disagree. The collaborative with Klipsch is unexpected to me (doesn’t say much).

Recent article by Gear Patrol on this $8500 speaker. Curious to hear if anyone has any experience in the future.

I don't know anything about their speakers, but damn, what a horrible website. It looks as though it was designed in 1995.


Please note that Harbeth mounts the mid/bass driver behind the baffle on the P3, m30.2, and m40.3. The Compact 7 and SHL5 mount on the front.

I have the P3, m30.2, and SHL5. There is no distinct sonic differences between the models.

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