Kimber 12tc incompatibility with ayre my-r twenty

I  am having a problem I have been trying to figure out for the last month . I think I have an answer now . I would like to know if anyone has had any similar experience .
i recently upgraded from an all parasound system with jc-1 , jc-2 , jc-3 to an all ayre stack with kx-r twenty , mx-r twenty, Qx-5 twenty, px-5 and cx-5. I retained all the kimber cables and speakers kef blade 2 speakers that I had.
The sound was phenomenal, so romantic so clean , amazing vocals , so powerful at the same time . I loved it, gave me goosebumps.
But the power amp would turn off to standby when I played it real loud .
i reached out to ayre. They have the best customer service in the entire audio business. Amazing group of people who love music and their products and stand behind their products. We tried a lot of trouble shooting and finally figured it was the kimber 12tc speaker cable as the culprit. With cheap Best Buy speaker cables the system functions flawlessly. They felt it had to do with high frequency oscillation or rf as the cables are not well shielded.
has anyone had similar experiences
I have reached out to kimber to get their input.
thank you .

so the cheap Best Buy cables are better shielded than the Kimbers?  Somebody with far more audio experience and electrical understanding will need to explain how any speaker cable can shut down an amp.  From the perspective of someone not very knowledgeable on these things it seems a bit convenient for an amp manufacturer to blame cables...anything but the amp, right?  
Some amps have problems with some speaker cables.I know ribbon cables such as Goertz are notorious for causing problems with amps unless a Zobel network is put to use.I'm no electrician and will end up explaining it backwards and wrong:)
It's possible that the amp was not happy with the rather high capacitance of Kimber 12tc (494 pf/meter), especially if the cable is particularly long.

Presumably the high capacitance of that cable is a consequence of its low inductance (0.09 uH/meter) having been given a higher priority in its design.  But IMO inductance that low is overkill in most applications, and with solid state amps I would avoid cables having such high capacitance per unit length, especially if the length is relatively long.


-- Al