KimberKable BiFocal-XL or Kimber Select 3033

Has somebody experienced both KimberKable BiFocal-XL and Kimber Select 3033 speaker cables ?
I am hesitating between these two cables.

Is the KS 3033 a bit better, but, if so, does the BiFocal-XL sound as good (possibly better ?) as it's biwired ?

Thank you for your insights.
PS Of course, the Zingali can be be-wired,like all (most?) speaker, but it's not an obligation, isnt'it ?
Call Dick Diamond at Kimber. He is a straight shooter and will tell you exactly what the differences are.
Excellent advice Raquel - Dick is a good guy and should be able to determine what will work better with this eauipment. I have no experience with these speakers, so I would be guessing on this - sorry.
Thank you.
Yes, I have sent an email to Dick Diamond at Kimber, as it's more convenient for me than telephone from Switzerland.
It sometimes takes Dick a few days to respond, but he will, in detail.

I owned 3033 and 3038, and both are lovely cables. The 3033 provides really high value for the money.