Kinergetics KBA 380 / Angstrom 100 pro/pre HT exp.

Hi all,
I'm basically a 2 channel enthusiast but have a seldom used Kinergetics KBA 380 (3 channel amp). Is this amp worth keeping to build a good HT setup with an older Angstrom 100 dd/proc/pre. How would these two older units compare to the more current proc./multi channel amp combinations in the $3000.00 price range for two units. I may build around a Revel M20 or a ProAc Tab 50 Sig with a Sunfire IV subwoofer. Basically, I'd like comments and/or suggestions from HT enthusiasts on whether I should keep or unload these units or present and current owners of either units.

Thank you in advance,


Showing 1 response by bea

Angstrom built one of THE BEST sounding Dolby Digital processors into their equipment. The combo you spoke of should sound FANTASTIC with the high quality speakers you mentioned. Good luck, I'd really like to hear how it turns out for you.