Kinergetics SW 800 Subwoofers

Hi gang... Just scored on 3 pairs of these and I am looking for for some guidance with multiple subs. I looking for specifics regarding the Kinergetics SW 800's I have looked everywhere and yet to see anyone that has done the "Earl Geedes effect" with these subs. I just ran across 3 pairs 2 of the large 5 10 inch seas per side and 2 of the "Mini Statement" with only 3 per box. I may use one pair for another system as I doubt I will need more than 4. So AMP's? I was going to buy a Dayton SA 1000 (looks to be the AMP sold with the swarm subwoofers) next week just to start playing around. What would be the best way to wire these? I dont want to blow the AMP and I am not looking for Home Theater, just really really good HI FI. Anyone with first hand exp would be fantastic! and greatly appreciated.
One more Question? Should I get a used 4/5/6 channel Parasound, B&K, or similar AMP for 500 to a 1K and try to use the Mini DSP, Kinergetics SW800 C or Behringer Ultra Drive Pro as a X over or just get one Dayton SA 1000 or a few of em and be done with it? My gut says start with a Dayton SA 1000 since the other Debra / Swarm systems use that. In my significant "Loss of money" or experience as some may call it "Less tends to be more" when it comes to the audio chain.

I would love the guys that have already made the "Multi Bass" mistakes to chime in...

Adding another Q? Parts express and ebay sell AMP high level to RCA converters? Worth it or not? I will be running my Dunlavy's full range no matter what! Already made that booboo, I have yet to find a cross over that doesn't make me cringe. I like the idea of getting the input signal from the AMP that is driving the mains full range but not sure if that is going to muck things up and over complicate the issue. The natural option is to run the RCA's simultaneously off my Alpeh P pre amp since I use the XLRs into my Aleph 5 for my Dunlavys. The Pre sends both signals and is attenuated.

Thanks again for all your help to everyone that chimes in and Happy Pre Holidays.
I LOVE YOU Already!!! Dont get excited Im straight but clearly you have this DSM Axis 18 Mental Illness called Audiophileism like I do... Haha...You get what I am trying to accomplish and Im so happy you responded!!! I also got one 800 Platinum 800 C x over and a Beheringer Ultradrive pro 24/96 outta the deal. Also have a mini DSP that I was never able to get to work correct as well as a DSpeker single room node thing again Im too lame to make it work right I think. Anyrate I would much prefer to use the Dayton and sell or gIve away the other stuff.So is it possible to hook up 4 or GodBless all 6 with one Dayton SA 1000? If so how to wire? I bought a 100 foot spool of decent 14 guage and just need to know what to from here?
Woo-hoo! Six subs! Color me green with envy! I only have five!

As far as the distributed bass array effect goes it has nothing to do with which subs. No matter what or how big or how powerful the key to them all is to create lots of different bass modes, which you do by distributing them all around the room. 

Since the general idea is to create lost of different bass modes the usual approach is to put the speakers in as many different and asymmetrical locations as possible. So in other words you would do something like put one on each wall, but different distances from the corners, and then since you have six put the other two wherever you think they will be less like the others. Or wherever they will fit! Ha! Life is rough!

Seriously though, if you read the papers the good news is the more you have the less it matters where they go or even what they are. 

As far as amps yes the Dayton is the go-to amp. I run two of those, one per each pair of 10" subs, plus one Talon Roc powered sub. There is some benefit to using two amps but not as much as I thought and not enough to recommend it. Mostly you just get more flexibility in being able to control subs in pairs instead of all together. But the more subs you run the less this matters so wouldn't talk you out of it but see no need to recommend it either.

When connecting the speakers just keep in mind the total impedance. Best practice is to connect them whatever will yield a total of around 4 ohm, and then if possible also try them at 8 ohm and/or 16 ohm. While everyone knows you get more power into 4 ohms most everyone who has compared finds 16 ohms sounds better. The tradeoff seems to be you can play a few dB less loud, but the bass is more articulate at the higher impedance. Try it and see.

Also when connecting save your money and use regular hook up wire. Expensive speaker cables definitely not required. Duke told me this and I found it hard to believe even though it was Duke but he was of course right. Cheap speaker wire and interconnects are all you need for really great bass. Save your money for the stereo mains where these really will make a big difference.