Nice. I can relate to the small tube rolling and the subtle differences imparted. I did the same with Amprex and Mullards years ago. Still use a pr. of Bugle Boys in my EAT Petite phono pre as the Mullards go a bit too soft. Did you go with the BK preamp in your setup? After years of going dac direct, I like the Hestia pre also, just a bit more tonal body driving the Hyperion amp. ‘Sides I like the footprint of the duo. I’ve got an Athena pre here also, and she’s a beast, big and heavy. I picked it up from a fella moving to an ARC Ref 6 because he felt the added active drive helped control his speakers woofers better. It’s ‘almost’ too much in my modest system. Like moving from the 10th row to the front row. Added magnification, better separation, bigger soundstage, but the same tonal qualities as its smaller sister. I’m unsure on weather to get the dac or a larger amp next as I think any step up will force another speaker purchase. The new Zu Soul’s would be terrific with the top Denafrips gear. A bargain too! The endless chase, as really the Denafrips duo, driving the DW’s w/Jupiter caps is a nicely balanced system and I quite like how easily the entry duo makes me forget about the several tube amps I’ve collected. Are those 6922’s in the BK or ???
Nice. I can relate to the small tube rolling and the subtle differences imparted. I did the same with Amprex and Mullards years ago. Still use a pr. of Bugle Boys in my EAT Petite phono pre as the Mullards go a bit too soft. Did you go with the BK preamp in your setup? After years of going dac direct, I like the Hestia pre also, just a bit more tonal body driving the Hyperion amp. ‘Sides I like the footprint of the duo. I’ve got an Athena pre here also, and she’s a beast, big and heavy. I picked it up from a fella moving to an ARC Ref 6 because he felt the added active drive helped control his speakers woofers better. It’s ‘almost’ too much in my modest system. Like moving from the 10th row to the front row. Added magnification, better separation, bigger soundstage, but the same tonal qualities as its smaller sister. I’m unsure on weather to get the dac or a larger amp next as I think any step up will force another speaker purchase. The new Zu Soul’s would be terrific with the top Denafrips gear. A bargain too! The endless chase, as really the Denafrips duo, driving the DW’s w/Jupiter caps is a nicely balanced system and I quite like how easily the entry duo makes me forget about the several tube amps I’ve collected. Are those 6922’s in the BK or ???