Two my ears with multiple speakers the Kinki house sound is pretty much neutral and allows the character of the particular speaker in use to set the tone. Amps that I have owned that were similar were the Nuforce STA-200 and the Job 225, both based on the same circuit design owned by Goldmund. The BHK is just to the slightly warmer side of neutral and it can be tailored slightly by the choice of input tube. I have tried Gold Lion, Tungsram, Mullard and Matsushita in it and the sonic character only changed slightly and not by the great lengths i have seen described by others. Both are great amps but with the BHK you still need to drive it and using a DAC to do it was not for me as I tried it with the DS SR.
Two my ears with multiple speakers the Kinki house sound is pretty much neutral and allows the character of the particular speaker in use to set the tone. Amps that I have owned that were similar were the Nuforce STA-200 and the Job 225, both based on the same circuit design owned by Goldmund. The BHK is just to the slightly warmer side of neutral and it can be tailored slightly by the choice of input tube. I have tried Gold Lion, Tungsram, Mullard and Matsushita in it and the sonic character only changed slightly and not by the great lengths i have seen described by others. Both are great amps but with the BHK you still need to drive it and using a DAC to do it was not for me as I tried it with the DS SR.