Kiseki = what to do?


Someone (an awesome guy) gave me a Kiseki Agaat Ruby green that is missing the needle and the bottom plate. Is this something that I worth/can getting repaired, and who would be the best person to have do it if it can?

Thanks everyone for the responses, I really appreciate the help. I did some research on the cartridge and it looks to be quite good. The specs on the compliance seemed to be confusing though. Can't wait to hear it.

Is anyone familiar with the Kiseki brand?
See Vinylengine:

Compliance: 20 x 10-6 cm/dyne;
Ipmedance :42 Ohm ( 500 Ohm phono)
Thanks for the info. I have checked out vinyl engine already I just find it interesting that half of the cartridges have a compliance of 20 and the other 6.
Hello ,

A very good address is van den Hul in the Netherlands.
Have good experience with a Dynavector.
Van den Hul in the Netherlands can only be reached via
HIFI dealers.
But Axel Schurholz in Germany can be approached direct: