KLE Innovations Silver HarmonyRCA's - not silver eh?

OK - so if you have not yet seen it, there are some postings on the web that calls into question the "integrity" of KLE Innovations. Simply because it was believed that the contacts in the Silver Harmony RCA plug should have been made from solid silver.

When those posters learned that this was not the case - they got upset.

One web site has even gone so far as to post photo’s of Harmony RCA’s with the silver coating ground off to display what they believe to be just plain copper.

Theatrics? - YOU BET!

Since I have been a proponent of KLE Innovations products for many years and have posted many reviews and positive comments. I felt it was important to bring this to everyone’s attention to avoid possible misconceptions and future postings that might propagate this kind of nonsense.

Please checkout the KLE Innovations site and read the Brochure and Technical Paper at

I think you will find that nowhere does it state that the Silver Harmony is fabricated from "solid silver".

"Silver Harmony" is just the name given to that model of RCA, which achieves a higher level of performance than the Copper Harmony, but not as high as the Pure Harmony or Absolute Harmony models.

To quote from KLE Innovations documents:
Proprietary mathematical modeling is utilized to produce the Silver Harmony’s ground to signal pin relationship, parameters, and determines the proprietary metallurgical processes that are used.

Note the key word here "Proprietary" - this means KLE Innovations are not about to give away what metals or alloys are used, so stop pontificating and just enjoy their abilities.

What you get is a family of RCA’s that are advanced way beyond the accepted norms of current RCA designs, that are capable of extremely high levels of resolution.

If you want more proof of their abilities simply google "Silver Harmony" and take a look at the number of cable fabricators that use them.

What did grinding off the silver coating achieve? One totally useless set of RCA’s - that’s all.

Regards - Steve

Regardless of KLEI’s advertising claims (which I consider to be lies), what ultimately matters is the sound quality, and that’s where I find the KLEI plugs to fall short.  I have both Copper Harmony and Absolute plugs.  The Absolute was a significant improvement over the Copper Harmony so I haven’t used the Coppers since I first replaced them with the Absolutes.  However I have tried the Absolutes on at least a half dozen cables and there is a consistent pattern to the sound.  The Absolutes are very smooth sounding with good detail and dynamics but the bass is always soft and lacking in proper weight and impact.  The problems with the bass disqualify them as far as I am concerned.  I prefer WBT and Audio Note plugs.  The Absolutes remain a very good value for the money but they are not Absolutes in sound quality IMO.
It makes no sense for KLE Innovations to mislead their customers as they have such brilliant and high quality products which outperform most other products in the world marketplace. Maybe their initial press release did cause some confusion to customers which is probably why they have since made adjustments on their website, not because they were covering up a lie, as some would believe. After all there’s always room for improvement whether you are renovating a house or building a website.

Maybe some posters out there should realise that inventors have a passion for making the world a better place and find enjoyment in what they are doing through their contributions.

Best to stop all the speculation, lighten up, enjoy life, and enjoy the music.
@maxima95 - I stand corrected...
It was advertised as KLEI PureSilver™
I have to agree - most people reading that might "assume" they were solid silver, simply because they do not understand the significance of the (TM) symbol

The TM applies to the name only - i.e. "KLEI PureSilver"
- it was used to signify a higher grade of conductivity than KLEI PureCopper™
- it should not be interpreted as a statement of metalurgical content
- I do agree it was NOT the wisest choice for a name in either case,

Try as you might to persuade otherwise, KLEI’s initial advertising copy was misleading.

I am not trying to to "pursuade otherwise" - in my OP I simply brought the fact that the name "Silver Harmony" had been misinterpreted (and why) to everyones attention

The "KLEI PureSilver™" was a later development and was also a bad choice of "name".

Unfortunately, those names are in place across the many compenies that used the KLEI RCA’s on their cables and getting them to change would be a huge task.

KLEI is not the first company to make mistakes like this and it will NOT be the last.

Were they deliberately trying to mislead?
- I do not believe they were
- I do believe they were trying to be "creative" with naming and it was simply a bad decision to use those names.
- I agree with Yping - their "passion" got the better of them

They have fixed the offending text on their site and would like to move on - I suggest we all do the same

Regards - Steve

You are naïve beyond Willey Wonka. he he

In the beginning is was clearly stated that the "copper harmony" was silver plated copper. The next one up (silver harmony) had "pure silver" ground The next one up had pure silver ground and hot....and the best one had "better pure silver". This is what was stated. I was a dealer in the beginning. I remember this well. This is why you, me and everyone else thought is was "pure silver".......because this is what they stated. And this is what all advertisers, etc. said. They made no effort to correct anyone or reveal the truth until someone filed off the silver of one of the "pure silver" ones and saw it was copper underneath.

"Creative in their naming".....yeah right. Outright BS is the truth.

Since this is and was clear to everyone, I wonder if they asked you or even paid you to come onto this forum and try to do some "damage control". After all, you were the first person to review the connectors for them and boosted their sales tremendously. And/or maybe you feel your own reviews/reputation were now in question because of their lies.

@ricevs - Hmmm - well Mr.Ric Schultz of Electronic Visionary Systems (EVS, USA) - where do I start...

They made no effort to correct anyone or reveal the truth until someone filed off the silver of one of the "pure silver" ones and saw it was copper underneath.
Actually - you are incorrect - KLEI has worked with the companies they had sold their RCA;s to in order to correct the issue. Some agreed to make changes - others continually refused ot make changes for some strange reason.

As for ....
I wonder if they asked you or even paid you to come onto this forum and try to do some "damage control"

Is this comment based on your own personal experience of me? - NO!
- KLE Innovations has never asked me or paid me to post on Audiogon or any other forum. I do it willingly to let people know about their superb products.

You will also find posts by me pertaining to products like NAIM 5i mk II, Audiomods arms, Van den Hul cables, Schiit Bifrost, Bluesound Node 2, Gershman Acoustics speakers, Simmaudio Moon, Avantgarde speakers, Pass and Seymour outlets, Furutech cables, DH Labs products - to name but a few - did they pay me also? - NO!

Casting asspersions about other peoples character without any proof to back up your staments serves no purpose - other than to show what kind of person YOU really are..

Without knowing - You are speculating - at best

You are naïve beyond Willey Wonka. he he

Once again - you do not know me.

As for...
After all, you were the first person to review the connectors for them and boosted their sales tremendously. And/or maybe you feel your own reviews/reputation were now in question because of their lies.
I stand by each review - I have no beef with KLEI - they make great products and my system has never sounde so good

I hate to repeat myself, but...

They have fixed the offending text on their site and would like to move on - I suggest we all do the same

Regards - Steve