It was advertised as KLEI PureSilver™I have to agree - most people reading that might "assume" they were solid silver, simply because they do not understand the significance of the (TM) symbol
The TM applies to the name only - i.e. "KLEI PureSilver"
- it was used to signify a higher grade of conductivity than KLEI PureCopper™
- it should not be interpreted as a statement of metalurgical content
- I do agree it was NOT the wisest choice for a name in either case,
Try as you might to persuade otherwise, KLEI’s initial advertising copy was misleading.
I am not trying to to "pursuade otherwise" - in my OP I simply brought the fact that the name "Silver Harmony" had been misinterpreted (and why) to everyones attention
The "KLEI PureSilver™" was a later development and was also a bad choice of "name".
Unfortunately, those names are in place across the many compenies that used the KLEI RCA’s on their cables and getting them to change would be a huge task.
KLEI is not the first company to make mistakes like this and it will NOT be the last.
Were they deliberately trying to mislead?
- I do not believe they were
- I do believe they were trying to be "creative" with naming and it was simply a bad decision to use those names.
- I agree with Yping - their "passion" got the better of them
They have fixed the offending text on their site and would like to move on - I suggest we all do the same
Regards - Steve