Klipsch Heresy 4?

I didn't realize the 4s came out until I started researching the Heresy 3s. Has anyone heard them or purchased them? What's the deal?
@t_ramey Thanks for posting that---I watched his review yesterday. I follow him and he's quite good. I'm dying to hear these speakers!!
I agree with Andrew in that it’s very hard to go back to less sensitive non horn type speakers after hearing what speakers like Klipsch can do. They’re not perfect but man are they fun and enjoyable. These H 4’s sound like a great doorway into high sensitivity speakers that don’t take up a lot of floor space.
Based on my experience (which is exactly like yours assuming you're me) the Heresy IIIs unapologetically do provide a high end experience that is as good as the gear driving 'em. Coherent and detailed. However, having just read an interview with Alon Wolf, I'm inclined more toward the "no port" (except in a storm of course) design of my Heresy IIIs...this is convenient as that's what I own, but some of his points were interesting relative to why Magicos are portless. Level goes up allowing  bass to become unruly and lumpy, port noise, mouse and rodent entry points, possible buoyancy issues when in flooded conditions, last minute hiding places for contraband during police raids. It's also interesting that Heresies are relatively unique...small floor tilted fat boxes which really do take up less visual space...a good thing...I can see over them. I will audition the IVs eventually and likely recant most of this post, but for now I'm with Alon.
I’m confused w/ Huffs reviews. Just before this review he reviewed the Dynaudio Special 40 and swore up and down that it was the best speaker he ever heard in his system and that it’s a lifetime speaker. Don’t be swayed by his reviews. Take what you want from them with a grain of salt and make your own decision from other sources too and personal auditioning.

special 40

Heresy iv

I enjoy Huff's reviews.  He does have some good insight about the components he reviews.  But you should keep in mind, the newest speaker, amp, etc., that he reviews, is the best.  And he keeps it for a while until the next "Best" hits his column.