Regarding the cupped hand analogy, the reason it persists is because it's true. Moving from speakers with different drivers, it is easy to hear the smaller source, the wave guide, etc. compared to other technologies, such as the extreme opposite, the panel. Maybe there is less of the cupped hand sound, but it's obviously inherent in the technology as compared to others. When you can switch in the same day from one to the other it's obvious. I'm not interested in debating my observation. :)
And now for an Easter gift! You want to really have some fun? Get creative. Every smallish speaker I have ever used I put atop stands. No biggie; others have suggested. However... turn them sideways! Try them with tweets inside, and try them with tweets outside. Also, work with the baffle slope by putting devices under the speakers to change it. Have some fun! You will be amazed at the changes to the soundstage when you use them either Portrait (normal) or Landscape (alternative placement)! Disregard negative people who howl about inappropriate use. Use these speakers however you wish. It's your ears, your speakers, your room! Imagine how fun it would be to have an alternative sound stage in a moment's change! If you follow my advice you have at your disposal the means to enjoy several expressions of sound.
Have fun reading at, in 3 articles regarding the following speakers about my experiments with Portrait and Landscape speaker positioning, first with the Daedalus Ulysses, then with the Magnepan .7, and finally (and best) PureAudioProject Trio15 Horn 1.