Klipsch Heresy IV

This seems to just have been released. Anyone heard it? Also looks like they raised the price by a grand. Curious how it compares to the Forte 3 and older Heresy 3. 

Showing 7 responses by dave_b

The whole delusion about loosing detail or quickness with a ported design is unfounded.  You will have perceptibly less bass output with a sealed system, thereby emphasizing the attack over the fundamentals and overtones.  What is lost is often the freedom of the lower midrange and bass that tend to expand out and energize a room when played live.  A lot of the energy is often in the recordings, but too many audiophiles tune it out in favor of an Uber Detailed sound.  Real music has power, physicality and it fills the acoustic space with vibrant resonances.  Taming the source material by overdamping a speaker to accentuate leading edge definition is foolish and not in pursuit of the Real Sound!
Heresy’s always had fantastic detail!  Nice compact music maker...actually preferred them to any Harberth speakers.  My 4429’s actually remind me of the Heresy’s I had, but with a larger and more commanding presentation. 
My veneer is as new...I also use special pads supplied by Deer Creek Audio who made my custom stands!
So why should we have to read the “Comments “ section to find out the original conditions of gear Andy is reviewing??