Klipsch Heresy IV

This seems to just have been released. Anyone heard it? Also looks like they raised the price by a grand. Curious how it compares to the Forte 3 and older Heresy 3. 
true but,he pointed out that the very thin veneer was pulling away from the JBL's and the Speaker Base/Stand was developing Rust Spots around the Welds..That would hurt someones feelings after dropping that much coin.He did say he felt  the Bass was a little better on the JBL's.
My veneer is as new...I also use special pads supplied by Deer Creek Audio who made my custom stands!
Totally not true. This fake vlogger most probably let them fall on the floor causing the corner veneer to be damaged. I own the new L100 classics + the stands now for 13 months. I move them around and I have no issue at all with the veneer, quality in general and totally No rust or oxidation whatsoever. I also checked my dealer who has them as a demo model for more than a year now in his shop and no problems at all, not with the speaker, not with the stands.

Look at the internet and search for these faults, you will not find any post of it. Please check all the hundreds of positive reviews about the L100 classic like the one from Andrew Robinson himself (!) and John Darko! Andrew is the only one on the net talking now bad about them after he first called them amazing. He is not even a pro reviewer. What amp did he use? A 200 dollar amp and a low power vintage pioneer. Of course the heresy will launch quicker on low volume as it is 8 ohm and the L100 4 ohm what requests more current. I m really amazed by the L100 classic I must say, like 1000 other reviewers, every day I m stunned by the sound quality, I really consider them audiophile level and find them even better then my focal utopia’s. Anyway 1 hipster reviewer first praising the hell out of them and then fall of on them is really unprofessional. Just my 2 cents.
AS Robinson stated he MOVES and swaps out his speakers all the time. DO YOU?? Im betting you dont have a constant rotation going on which would of course cause less wear and tear on the speakers. I own about 10 pairs of speakers and constantly swap them so Mr Robinson's point about the Veneer is valid and should be a concern for anybody that is not just leaving them in place for a year or whatever.  Wait a year and ask DARKO if he sees any problems with his since he will be moving them in and out of his lineup constantly like Robinson does. Maybe he comes to the same conclusion and maybe he doesn't.  There is mention of this problem on the STEVE HOFFMAN Forum site so perhaps you should search the ENTIRE internet before making "concrete" statements