Klipsch LaScalla "upgrade"?

I have a pair of Klipsch LaScalla speakers which I purchased new in 1983. I have made no changes to them. I would like to continue using them with my new system, (Audio Research: amp=VS55, preamp=LS25MKII, phono amp=PH5, turntable (Linn Axis), etc.

I was told that I should have the speakers "re-conditioned," i.e., rewired, additional bracing, etc.

Can anyone help me with either suggestions or refer me to some one or entity who could assist me.

Thanks, Mike.
Maybe you could start by mailing Sean directly. He has done a few things to his Klipsches in the past & can probably steer you in the right direction.
Sean would be an excellent person to start with.

Over at the Klipsch (two channel) forum Dean G. is right now rebuilding the crossovers in my old 4.2's. He usually does the Klipschorns and others.
The La Scala can be "upgraded" by changing to one of the custom designed crossovers. I forget the guy's name who gets a lot of press for his design, check old threads or audio asylum's threads on the crossover under high efficiency speakers. Also you can have the speaker terminals made into modern binding posts and for biamp. The most common resonance control is to use rope cauk wrapped around the horns. I have put heavy speakers on the box tops which seems to help. Other bracing would get involved due to the construction techniques. While on Audio Asylum you will see all sorts of suggestions regarding who makes or made the best compression drivers, but I always felt that you might as well build your own horn based speakers if you would swap out the drivers. The woofer is very hard to access but is probably the one area where they could really benefit from change. I have a friend who told me that you should remove the back of the squaker remover the gunk in there and stuff it with felt discs. I have also heard lots of poly fill in the cavities will help. I have the cauk and the weight thats it. If you like them then leave them alone eventually the diaphragms on the compression drivers will need to be replaced.
last month's edition of audioXpress mag had an article on upgrading the tweeter in the k-horn. the upgrade would apply to the lascalla as well, since it uses the same components, but different cabinet......don