Klipsch speakers

I just purchased the reference series of klipsch speakers.Two front towers,center,two surrounds and a sub I love these speakers and allthough I would like a B&W set up the klipsch was more in my price range.I was just wondering how these speakers rate to the audiophile. Thanks
What matters most is how they rate to you. Klipsch is the type of speaker that polarizes opinion - there are some that love them, some that hate them. There are lots of reasons for both opinions.

Myself? I love them. I have La Scalas up front, and Forte II's in the rear. They put out a HUGE, clear sound that's perfect for my main listening preferences (space rock, metal, prog, dub). They work wonderfully with tubes, are also quite satisfying with higher-quality solid state.

As far as "prestige", they had more cache' in the past (like JBL), but they still make some classic products. Overall, I think alot of their products are a great value, but nobody would call them works of visual art, and they don't get much audiophile press - I think this affects their "mindshare" among many audiophiles.

But if you don't wear your makeup too thick, who cares about prestige, mindshare, and the emperor's new clothes?

My 2 brothers bought KG 5.5s and IMO they sounded great overall. I felt they lacked low end, yet were used in an HT environment with a sub, so in that role worked great. Very efficient speakers. For dedicated 2 channel listening, I think they are great for certain types of music, but soso for other types of music. I have not heard the Reference Series. All in all, Mike is correct; all that matters is how they sound to you.
I just purchased the new Klipschorns (They were just redesigned in 2002) and feel they are better than any speaker near the $7500. retail price. I have had everything, including Maggies, Soundlabs, Thiels, Piegas, Cabasse, etc..., etc... and I am stunned at how natural these speakers are. I have never heard as dynamic a speaker as these K-horns, and this is 1 day out of the boxes!!