Klyne vs 47 Labs phono stage

I currently use a 47 Labs phonocube. I have the option of buying a used Klyne System 6 phonostage. Can anyone suggest if the Klyne 6 series would be an upgrade over the 47 labs phonocube ?

Showing 3 responses by jmcgrogan2

I owned a Klyne 7PX5.0 and thought it was the best phono stage I have ever heard. I have also owned more expensive phono stages from BAT and Walker Audio. The Klyne sounds incredibly natural. It won't stun you with bass or sparkling highs, it just sounds like real music instead of HiFi.
As others have said here, Klyne's are hard to find on the used market. If you get one, and don't like it, you will have no problem selling it.
lewm, financial hardship is why I sold the Klyne. When I lost my job about 5 years ago, I downsized drastically.
I am working again now, and have recovered enough to have a very nice system, but not as expensive as my old big rig of yesteryear.
I don’t know if I would ever have enough consumer confidence, or stupidity, to spend that much $$$ on audio gear again.
Today I use a Allnic H1201 as a phono stage, which is very nice. I wish I could say that I compared it directly to the Klyne 7PX5.0, but I haven’t, nor can I imagine that day coming.
Yes, I can't really compare the Klyne to the Allnic with any sense of fairness. Different speakers, amp, turntable, cartridge, cables/cords, etc.
That said, I am currently very satisfied with the Allnic H1201. I do not feel like I am "suffering" at all. LOL!
It reminds me quite a bit of the Klyne in that it has a natural sound to it. Bass is not boomy, but very solid for a tube amp. Good HF extension, and a nice midband and stage. I like the flexibility of the transformers too, even though I can't actually adjust the impedance loading.

That said, all I have really been able to compare it to directly is internal phono stages. The Allnic is the first external phono stage I have owned since I sold the Klyne, a span of about 4 years with only internal phono stages.
The H1201 beats the internal MM phono stage of my VAC 160iSE integrated amp pretty easily, even when coupled with a Bob's Devices Cinemag 1131.
I'm currently using a VPI Prime with 3D arm and a Ortofon Cadenza Bronze cartridge.

I would like to compare the H1201 to a Herron phono stage one day, as they get a lot of buzz for a good budget phono stage too. I don't see that coming anytime soon though.

Did you ever talk with Stan Klyne? He's a pretty cool guy. I talked to him once, and he really doesn't seem to get caught up in the HiFi craze at all. He's very happy flying under the radar.
I can't say that I've ever spoken with Kang Su Park of Allnic.