Koetsu Urushi+SMEV anti skating setting help

Koetsu does not provide any recommendation on anti skating and as there is "rich" debate on methods: traditional AS=VTF, VDH's 1/3 formula, test records, WallySkater...I would really, really appreciate any help on this issue because, honestly, I am not ready to listen to buzzings or buying expensive "three times in a life" gauges.
Many thanks in advance for your help
Many thanks Nsgarch, but I am looking for a direct answer from someone having walked the path I am not ready to walk... A suggested setting from an experienced user is heartly wellcome!!.David
Agondad -- even if you find another Urushi+SMEV owner, and assuming he/she arrived at their setting (properly) through a little practice and observation, your duplicating his/her setting does not assure it will serve you as well. There are still too many variables involved. The visual method is very easy to learn, and the Cardas test record is also an easy way to do it.

A.S. requirements also vary across the record -- luckily the SMEV A.S. force is spring actuated and therefore varies also ;-) The only general tip I can give you is not to use the AS = VTF method of setting AS, because that standard was developed years ago for spherical styli and doesn't apply to modern styli which have far less friction in the groove and require AS settings 20% - 50% the VTF.

Best luck!
Agree with Nsgarch. If the SME V is mounted correctly (proper distance from the spindle in the rest position), dialing in the same number on the anti-skating dial as on the VTF dial will provide the proper amount of anti-skating. Those dials are surprisingly accurate. You can confirm your setting with the visual test as also mentioned by Nsgarch.
Well, Rgurney "agrees" with Nsgarch..., but you both are proposing a different aproach: AS=20%-50% VTF vs AS=100% VTF.
Following Wally's theory on AS (non dynamic) setting with WallySkate one should conclude the AS is related to the cartridge and arm working together as a combination (combinated frictions) and I don't quite see how many other could be involved provided alignment, VTF, VTA and load adjustments have been precisely done following the formal manufacturers' recommendations for a duplication not to be a reasonable solution.
I am not a newcomer, but I am afraid I do not follow the endless & obsessive setup and tweaking school.
I will try the visual method, but it will probably show the results of rather big variations...
I have a Blue Onyx and a Rosewood sig, an SME 30/2 and SME5. As Rgurney says (and SME recommend) setting the numbers for AS and VTF the same does the job for me. Best of luck.
Just an afterthought - be sure the VTF is correct around 2 grams and the stylus is clean.